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  1. Mercenary

    US created ‘jihadist wonderland’ in Syria, Libya and Iraq

    This whole debacle in the middle east started with this idiotic, stupid, illegal, terrorist invasion of Iraq in 2003 cheer-lead by the Neocons and Hawks and fooled a President too inept and stupid to question it. They removed a Sunni Dictator and empowered the Shias who have now aligned with...
  2. Mercenary

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Dont know this didnt happen sooner? You can't negotiate with these TTP animals. Either they surrender or they die. There is no 3rd option.
  3. Mercenary

    Breaking | PAF kills up to 105 Uzbek terrorists including the Karachi attack mastermind.

    If America had launched this attack, many people would have been claiming that everyone killed was innocent.
  4. Mercenary

    ‘Pirated’ MH370 may return to skies as stealth nuclear weapon

    My guess is that either one of the passengers or crew wanted to seek asylum somewhere. My guess is they wanted to go to Australia.
  5. Mercenary

    Malaysian Missing plane could have been hijacked to Pakistan: US media

    Hopefully Pakistanis will realize how sill they look when they come up with absurd conspiracy theories themselves.
  6. Mercenary

    Saudi Arabia bans 50 names including 'Rama' for 'conflicting with kingdom's culture'

    There is nothing that Saudi Arabia has done that makes me jealous of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia can keep on issuing these idiotic decrees and legislation. As long as this idiotic thinking stays within the borders of the Kingdom, I don't care. I just dont want the Saudis using their petro...
  7. Mercenary

    Saudi Arabia bans 50 names including 'Rama' for 'conflicting with kingdom's culture'

    Let the Saudis do what they want. Its their country, their rules. If Saudis do get offended by these idiotic legislation, they can rise up like the Syrians. Personally it makes me really glad that as a Muslim that I live in the West where I have freedom and democracy.
  8. Mercenary

    America, Britain and Europe behind terrorist acts in Pakistan

    Another idiotic statement. These people have no comprehension of reality or facts.
  9. Mercenary

    Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

    Its a movie based on a graphic comic book. Not sure what all the fuss is about? Most people watching the movie won't even associate these Persians with modern Iran. Ancient Persians didn't look like the ones in this movie and neither did the Ancient Greeks. Its a fun violent movie and I...
  10. Mercenary

    IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

    What does Iran hope to achieve to give Palestinians these weapons? Do they think one shipment will be enough for the Palestinians to defeat the IDF and liberate Palestine? All this will create is unnecessary bloodshed. If Iran wants to help, maybe it should work as a mediator to negotiate a...
  11. Mercenary

    Pakistani Taliban announce month-long ceasefire

    Does that mean they wont fight back when Pakistan Army continues to kill them?
  12. Mercenary

    The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -

    Then why did India chose this fighter over the others? Their tender was for 126 fighters. And now after a lengthy evaluation process, India chose an fighter aircraft it can't afford to buy?
  13. Mercenary

    The French Fighter Jet That Nobody Wants -

    Wait a minute...didn't the Rafale won the India MRCA competition?
  14. Mercenary

    Hacked indian email shows it,s funding terrorism inside pakistan

    Everyone knows that BLA gets support from India. There is nothing new there.
  15. Mercenary

    Pakistan economy grows beyond targets

    Economy is growing only due to population growth. Pakistan needs to implement an effective tax system and use the revenues to fix invest in its disastarous infrastructure so that chronic power outages are fixed. But I highly doubt that will ever happen.
  16. Mercenary

    Is Sri Lanka Classified South East Asia or South Asia?

    This is silly thread. Sri Lanka is geo-graphically located in South Asia. But centuries of cross-migration has resulted in a large minority of people who are from South East Asia along with Buddhist religious teachings which is primarily found in South East Asia.
  17. Mercenary

    Hezbollah get smacked

    Iran only cares about spreading Shiaism and its form of government. It uses the Palestinian cause as a way to make in roads into what has traditionally been a Sunni conflict. Iran knows that nothing rallies Arabs and Muslims together like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and if it can become a...
  18. Mercenary

    Challenging the Long-Held Notion That Israeli Settlements Are ‘Illegal’

    And what gave Israel the right to sell those lands to Israeli citizens? Those are occupied lands that Israel occupied in a War. The only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a two state solution. A Palestinian state cannot exist if large parts of where its state is suppose to be is...
  19. Mercenary

    Bangladesh condemns Bollywood movie Gunday for misrepresenting the birth of Bangladesh

    Request the Mods to merge this thread with this one: Indian film Gunday affront to a nation’s pride | Page 3
  20. Mercenary

    Indian film Gunday affront to a nation’s pride

    Request the Mods to merge this thread with this one: Bangladesh condemns Bollywood movie Gunday for misrepresenting the birth of Bangladesh As they are on the same topic
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