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  1. Lacus Clyne

    South China Sea: China Drops a Bombshell

    yep,the fate of chinese and indian is great different.
  2. Lacus Clyne

    South China Sea: China Drops a Bombshell

    you can if have enough strength.or you shut up
  3. Lacus Clyne

    India floods kill 29, displace more than a million

    i still 98 floods in china,its terrible,lets rise and stand in silent tribute for victims
  4. Lacus Clyne

    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    the same thing happens in china.
  5. Lacus Clyne

    China gains edge in Sri Lanka

    indian konw everything,thay are the great prophets.they have already prophesy that india will beyond china in most of fields
  6. Lacus Clyne

    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    we have a long way to keep pace with US
  7. Lacus Clyne

    China: Doing it all yourself has its drawbacks

    yeah,it seem indian care more about su-27 than russian,a good watchdog ,lets give it bone. on topic :the authorities of russia never blame china copy the appearance of su-27(no one know inside),they even keep providing SCA with al-31 to manufacture inchoate J-11,why your master do it?indian...
  8. Lacus Clyne

    China: Doing it all yourself has its drawbacks

    lol,indian became the agent of U.S again,can you indian tell me loudly what chinese copy your indian tech.? looking from ancient times to the present,no country have qualification to blame china.i wonder The Wright brothers should be angry at indian for LCA.
  9. Lacus Clyne

    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    i suggest you should have some pills,the india is filled with $hit,that make you go mad. So when you open you mouth to speak,the first word is called to your mind must be $hit.it is not surprising me!
  10. Lacus Clyne

    US pilot sings while taking down target - Depraved or beating the stress?

    If the target is his father,he still sings the sick song.i will respect this guy.
  11. Lacus Clyne

    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    we never deny the truth you indian discovered water on Moon,because we respect truth. and prove you truth. of course,i gald to see india achieve the success in space.
  12. Lacus Clyne

    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    keep posting fake news pls or low IQ & ignorant cant be disseminated among Filipinos.
  13. Lacus Clyne

    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    LOL,in aerospace filed,we maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands,do not like you indian.good joke,when you try to gossip about others,pls look back yourself.good joke,dude made more developing countries achieving
  14. Lacus Clyne

    US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

    you guys so ignorant,and have a confused logic, since there is a Shanghai Agreement 1972,why you so stupid that shout out that US control taiwan?by now you new american father never go against the Agreement.china is definitely not like your homeland let US. army stay in your territory as a...
  15. Lacus Clyne

    China gains edge in Sri Lanka

    dont tell me your "they" not including china?dude
  16. Lacus Clyne

    Secretary of State Clinton will visit to Vietnam

    we dont need US help,say nothing of building a foreign military base in our land. if india want it,you propose is great,just build a US. military base in New Delhi. on topic:welcome Clinton visit to Vietnam to develop a normal relation.
  17. Lacus Clyne

    China upset over RIMPAC snub

    no we very care it,because the imaginary enemy of RIMPAC always china or the soviet union! so we should watch out for it! btw,when the imaginary enemy, india take the place of us,we will feel great respect for you indian.by then,you really become a world power in hesperian's eye!
  18. Lacus Clyne

    China gains edge in Sri Lanka

    you even refuse to give loan,why you so worry about it? in our chinese culture,if people need help,we will glad to help. because there is chinese proverb,more blessed to give than to receive. and when we need help,i believe Sri Lanka people will do same thing. and i send you a chinese...
  19. Lacus Clyne

    China gains edge in Sri Lanka

    it seem some indian perform sour grapes,interests of the state is not be a balance among the powers,if a country enough strong to protect it and help his people live better,why they govt refuse? we chinese dont want make Sri Lanka be a toy of power,we just want to help Sri Lanka people live...
  20. Lacus Clyne

    US senator slams China for undermining Vietnamese sovereignty

    do not brag anything,just take heart of grace take your so -called territory back which you keep begging china sending back in a hundred ways with your weapon. coward is always coward,his only way to fight ,just complain everywhere,do not be a navie dog,can you Vietnamese be a real patriot.
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