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  1. RFS_Br

    Israeli soldier to Palestinians in Hebron: We protect Jews, not you

    Israeli soldier to Palestinians in Hebron: We protect Jews, not you - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz Last Friday, two Israelis - a middle-aged woman and a young man - escorted by two armed IDF soldiers, showed up at the "Youth Against Settlements" community center in Hebron's Tel...
  2. RFS_Br

    Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children

    Yeah? Where? No, they are not - some of them were at shooting camps in settlements where real training takes place. You're right that Hamas isn't as capable as the IDF, but then again that only underscores the Hamas's morality -- in contrast with other militias fighting powerful enemies...
  3. RFS_Br

    Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children

    As anyone can see in this June 2012 link, from an Israeli outlet, children being made to handle real weaponry and shoot isn't an Independence Day thing in Israel -- at least in settlements, it's a year-long thing:
  4. RFS_Br

    Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children

    First off, no, it's not OK. I know worse stuff relating to child welfare takes place in India -- sad stuff of many a kind -- but then again, India is hardly a beacon of human rights. And secondly, the same need -- to protect one's nation from aggressive enemies -- is 100 times more urgent to...
  5. RFS_Br

    Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children

    Disturbing photos show militarization of Israeli children | The Electronic Intifada An Israeli boy wearing a military vest throws a mock grenade during a traditional military weapon display to mark the 66th anniversary of Israel’s “independence” at the occupied West Bank settlement of Efrat on...
  6. RFS_Br

    Catholic Church demands Israel act to stop hate attacks

    Whining about the distant past is all that these fucks have to justify the crap they do today. Don't forget many of your kind still live in Christian lands - more of you are in Europe and the Americas than in Israel. If you don't think you have any obligation to tolerate minorities in your...
  7. RFS_Br

    Catholic Church demands Israel act to stop hate attacks

    Catholic Church demands Israel act to stop hate attacks - Yahoo News Jerusalem (AFP) - The Roman Catholic church demanded Israeli action Wednesday after suspected Jewish extremists daubed hate graffiti on Vatican-owned offices in annexed Arab east Jerusalem just two weeks before a papal...
  8. RFS_Br

    Jewish settlers attack 7-year-old Palestinian girl in south Hebron hills

    Your link just supports my the point. Those settlers were treated with kid gloves by the soldiers - the night before, when they asked the soldiers to make room so they could trash the army camps, the soldiers complied. If Palestinians had asked that, each one would've gotten a bullet in the...
  9. RFS_Br

    Jewish settlers attack 7-year-old Palestinian girl in south Hebron hills

    One can almost devine the content of people's post based on their flags. Whenever I post a topic such as this and see someone from Israel, India or some Western country is commenting, I know what his purpose will be - deflect or blame Palestinians; somethinbg, anything, to spare Israel's image.
  10. RFS_Br

    Jewish settlers attack 7-year-old Palestinian girl in south Hebron hills

    I don't know what your point is and I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out you're inventing this incident so as to make whatever point you think you're making. But even supposing your story is true there's a difference here - parental abuse of children happens in all countries and everywhere is...
  11. RFS_Br

    Jewish settlers attack 7-year-old Palestinian girl in south Hebron hills

    Settlers attack 7-year-old girl in south Hebron hills | Maan News Agency BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian family in the south Hebron hills on Thursday, injuring a seven-year-old girl, a peace group said. At midday on Thursday, two settlers riding a quad bike...
  12. RFS_Br

    Kerry Is wrong: Israel is already an apartheid state

    Kerry Is wrong: Israel is already an apartheid state | TheHill Last Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry touched off a firestorm of criticism by warning that Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state” after his initiative to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace limped this week to its...
  13. RFS_Br


    Kerry Is wrong: Israel is already an apartheid state | TheHill Last Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry touched off a firestorm of criticism by warning that Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state” after his initiative to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace limped this week to its...
  14. RFS_Br

    Israel aims to deport French photographer for having an 'Arab-sounding' name

    Israel aims to deport French photographer with ‘Arab-sounding’ name | +972 Magazine Following Washington’s admission that Israel is being kept out of its visa-waiver program due to discrimination against Arab-Americans, a French citizen is detained for three days under similar circumstances...
  15. RFS_Br

    Manufacturers Are Leaving China

    The Western media is on a campaign to promote Mexico that is really insane - it's completely detached from what figures coming from that country are showing. Mexican industrial production has been on negative territory since early 2013 - precisely when the Western propaganda machine about that...
  16. RFS_Br

    A threatening letter: Christians must leave Israel, if not; one hundred Christians will be killed

    Linga - A threatening letter: Christians must leave Israel, if not; one hundred Christians will be killed The police forces in the city of Safad arrested a man in his forties, suspected of threatening Bishop Boulos Marcuzzo, Latin Patriarchal Vicar General in Israel. The spokesman for the...
  17. RFS_Br

    Israel destroys West Bank mosque, homes; 30 people left homeless

    Israeli troops destroy mosque in Palestinian village — RT News Palestinians walk past a structure after it was demolished by Israeli bulldozers in Khirbet Al-Taweel village near the West Bank City of Nablus April 29, 2014. (Reuters / Mohamad Torokman) Israeli bulldozers have demolished a...
  18. RFS_Br

    Only Democracy: Israeli Arab given house arrest over a Facebook status

    Palestinian activist given house arrest for a Facebook status | +972 Magazine In the latest case of Israeli police detaining Palestinian activists for social media activity, a Lod man is placed under house arrest and has equipment confiscated for openly opposing the enlistment of Christian...
  19. RFS_Br

    Israeli newspaper: Israel Not Ready to Engage in War with Hezbollah

    http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=148553&cid=31&fromval=1&frid=31&seccatid=269&s1=1&utm_content=bufferad6cd Israeli Occupation Forces not ready militarily to engage in a war with Hezbollah and capabilities have distinctly decreased, the Israeli newspaper Maariv said in a...
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