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  1. Malik Alashter


    Nice work soheil, your design looks like a design similar to the Iraqi launcher ALabid because that one was 5 Scud derivative. Iraq launched it in 1989 thanks for invite thou. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWjw6AqrWYsn50QU7BcT413JdIKT4LSOnI38hxAoCjt3A9vX8l please say with me...
  2. Malik Alashter

    Turkey to enter top 10 largest economies by 2023

    I've got some info from wiki. It looks optimistic for Turkey to get in advanced position. I hope all that serve Turkey and its neighbors in the good way. Although Turkey attitude in Iraq And Syria is not promising at all. May Allah bless Turkey with a better regime.
  3. Malik Alashter

    Turkey to enter top 10 largest economies by 2023

    So, what is some of Turkey's main products that make the economy get advanced. Now country like S.Korea has cars industry Ships Electronics Appliances and so on but what Turkey really make in huge numbers and export it.
  4. Malik Alashter

    Turkey to enter top 10 largest economies by 2023

    I have some doubt that Turkey get into that position for one big reason its the Turkish leader eagerness to be political power!!! look at S.Korea or Japan they got what they Got because of there been politically quite. from 2003-2011 Turkey was politically quite that's why it grow ups 3 times...
  5. Malik Alashter

    Iran atom talks re-scheduled in Moscow

    I wish all that end in Moscow, but still wish.
  6. Malik Alashter

    Can IRAN reach to the Moon ?

    you know what stop blaming the Arab and blame Al Saud instead unless you have problem with the Arab as race?:disagree:
  7. Malik Alashter

    Can IRAN reach to the Moon ?

    Nothing impossible with the men mettle, but what scientific gain they get from it nothing really important, what really make the difference is when they send satellites to endeavor the other planets from Mercury to Pluto and send some pictures back to Earth. this way they bring back our...
  8. Malik Alashter

    Can IRAN reach to the Moon ?

    I thought Wahhabies don't study logic strange thou.
  9. Malik Alashter

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

    Honey? what a disgusting.
  10. Malik Alashter

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

  11. Malik Alashter

    Ahmadinejad: Pakistan's enemies are Iran's enemies

  12. Malik Alashter

    Bernard Lewis, Iran in History

    Please play again, you failed this time. these people stupid enough and weak to show us how frustrated from Iran so they try hard wish-fulling they can bother with these funny documents what they really miss is that Islam so strong and reasonable to the Muslim people and non Muslims. the reality...
  13. Malik Alashter

    Bernard Lewis, Iran in History

    That's really arrogance you think bunch of nations lost there history so they depend on some one else to show them there lost one.
  14. Malik Alashter

    2.6 billion dollars of Iran frozen in Japan

    Now forget about him banu umayyeh fan boy but isn't that the truth aren't you all following Ibn Taymiah.
  15. Malik Alashter

    2.6 billion dollars of Iran frozen in Japan

    Banu Umayyah simple question can you tell me why AlSaud been one of the best friend to Iran duting Shah days and then once the Shah gone they become one of most opponent to Iran after that what's happen.
  16. Malik Alashter

    Iranian Azeris Set up National Council in Turkey, Aspire for Independence

    Here are two things people forgot 1- The Azeries in Iran are Shi'ite so they will ever never seek separation of Iran due to a religious matter. 2- Who is going to be responsible for the blood shed either in Turkey or Iran how come a Muslim believe in Allah and give him self the right to cause...
  17. Malik Alashter

    2.6 billion dollars of Iran frozen in Japan

    well there's to kind جهل the simple one which is common among normal people and complex one which is private label of them and there kind who believe in every thing blindly.
  18. Malik Alashter

    Iran Parliament condemns merger of KSA, Bahrain

    You Wahhabies the darkest page in our history at all it's you who try hardly day and night to divide the Ummeh and you backed up by Alsaud or backing Alsaud to do so, you said Shia sided with mongols have you ever been there or it's your Ibn taymiah told you that Shia sided Mongols. See if the...
  19. Malik Alashter

    Iran science output in future

    Well, appreciating someones achievements it's a human nature tell me about someone who never appreciated the European achievements or the American and the list goes on, basically as human being we appreciate each other as long as we have some respect to our selves.
  20. Malik Alashter

    Iran science output in future

    So this wikipedia ranking based on what I see countries like Algeria ranked 125 which is rich in comparison Ghana or Sudan while Iraq is never mentioned at all are we that fucked to be neglected at all it just made me wonder all that based on what.
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