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  1. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    If i insult you here in this platform and if you sue me as a response, i might get into trouble. But we must first identify what is insult and what is not. In this case, what this man said against Islam is not an insult, simple as that.
  2. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    Turkey is a secular country not Muslim's. You'll learn it... There is no insult here, if you want to be able to send people into jails over their criticisms, go to Arabia or something... WTF are you doing in Netherlands other than ruining the image of Turkey?
  3. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    I wouldn't chop off any heads. Depends on the insult; you can be punished for insulting Hülya Avşar as well... The point is, what Nişanyan said is not an insult and he doesn't deserve a punishment for it.
  4. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    Why would anyone deny the existence of Atatürk? You can see him in my avatar. So what he said is equal to what Nisanyan said according to you? Forget about Mahmut, read my post again. Nobody has interfered in your spiritual views, unless you consider nonbelievers as an interference...
  5. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    Dude, Islamists are insulting Atatürk in every occasion, recently some people were even discussing whether he was a homosexual or not in their blogs. I'm not even going to talk about the claims accusing him with being agent, traitor, etc... With that being said, that immunity should be lifted...
  6. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    He has right to appeal, i don't think he will go to jail for this. Fortunately, we are not that hopeless yet: LOCAL - Turkish pianist Fazıl Say to be retried on blasphemy charges
  7. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    Yahu kardeşim, bir insan eğer Müslüman değilse, ya da eğer deist veya ateist ise, bu, o kişinin senin dinine inanmadığı anlamına gelir. O kişi için senin dinin ve diğerleri birer peri masalıdır, senin peygamberin ise...
  8. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    Don't generalize anyone, the only extremist here is you. What is my claims? What are you talking about? FFS, are you people still using the same card. YOU ARE ALWAYS THE VICTIM MATE, NOBODY HAS EVER DENIED THAT!
  9. TurAr

    Turkish-Armenian scribe sentenced to 13 months for blasphemy in blog post

    To Pakistani members; please do not judge the events in Turkey over the norms in your own country. If you have no idea about Turkey, simply save your comments to yourselves.
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