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  1. M

    The man who helped design the Pakistani bomb

    The Man Who Designed Pakistan’s Bomb ‹ Newsweek Pakistan
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    SHO told to register complaint against ‘offensive’ columnist

    Freedom of speech: SHO told to register complaint against
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    Al-Qaeda suspect nabbed from university hostel

    It’s Jamaat Islami leadership itself that does not accept the existence of Al-Qaida and we know why; Khalid Sheikh Muhammad the notorious 9/11 mastermind was caught from a house belonging to Jamaat Islami official in Rawalpindi. Sometimes I feel US->Saudis->Punjabi Army->Jamaat Isami are...
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    What BS are you talking about? Christian community in the area was completely destroyed, then all culprits were let loose by judges without even a charge and then public rewarded the guilty PMLN leadership by electing them to the government in centre and yet you are giving this BS as if any of...
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    Al-Qaeda suspect nabbed from university hostel

    Al-Qaeda suspect nabbed from university hostel - thenews.com.pk For those who don't know, hostel 1 is the HQ of Islami Jamiat-e-Talba the militant student wing of Jamaat Islami.
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    Everyone in the world knows about Gojra incident why don’t you know about it when you know what is going on in every other country? Go search for it yourself. Bottom line; your pathetic religion is responsible for the incident, as it is for numerous other massacres around the world...
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    U.S. giving China a free pass on Syria?

    China is run by western bankers and technology companies. Without them there is no China. So no worries for US there. In the end Chinese would do what US tells them.
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    I don't, but I think its poetic justice the way these Islamists are being treated all over the world now.
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    I am just not a bigot or terrorist supporter like you Punjabi paindoos. I allow myself to learn things outside of lying propaganda of Mutalia-Pakistan text books and Punjabi media. If that makes me a non-Pakistani then I am proud.
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    You started it. You have been persecuting everyone from day one. It was only after incidents like Gojra and Shanti Nagar where you burnt alive Christians, Churches and bibles that, that person burnt the Quran in US specifically mentioning that he did this as protest on persecution and murders of...
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    Yeah, Christians including children were burnt alive in this one courtesy of your leader the Nawaz Sharif. Why don’t you know about this; and how come he is now the PM of country? Why is Nerndara Modi so bad while Nawaz Sharif is so good for doing the same thing?
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    You mean Quran+Hadith are not BS according to the vast majority of the world while you accept it whole heartedly? Why don’t you check your brains you backwards, violent, good for nothing specie.
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    Myanmar jails Muslim for ‘rape attempt’, people riot

    Exactly like Punjabis do to innocents accused of Blasphemy. Not only that; the Party that led to those riots PMLN is rewarded by public by electing them to government in centre. I am guessing Buddhists have finally adopted the Punjabi formula. What is good for the goose is good for gander.
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    Woman Attacks John McCain on Syria

    Emotional Woman Attacks John McCain on Syria at Town Hall - 9-5-2013 - YouTube
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    UK Islamic TV channel fined for inciting violence

    I am not surprised. I know they do. :) Even here in UK. That is why on this mullah's fatwa there is no uproar from UK Muslim community, who otherwise keep lying that they believe in a peaceful religion but never miss a chance to accommodate extremists.
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    UK Islamic TV channel fined for inciting violence

    These barbarianism. What is one to do of them. :undecided: If anyone could kill based on what they consider offensive of other religions then the world population would be reduced dramatically.
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    'Horrible': Christian churches throughout Egypt stormed, torched

    A Punjabi to the rescue of the terrorists and as usual didn't even take long. Fact is Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organisation and there is no justification for their terrorist attacks on peaceful and innocent Christians’ lives, churches and property. Punjabis are like flies...
  18. M

    'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

    Oh yeah, another Punjabi terrorist sympathiser. What are the chances.
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    'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

    Well Punjabis always support the terrorists so no surprise there. Most of these people would have no idea what they are supporting except whichever side is the terrorist side gets their vote.
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