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  1. keerthan

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    what will be range of detection for our DRDO AEWC. some say it is 400kms in various sites is it true.
  2. keerthan

    China, Pakistan Threat Perception Forces India To Accelerate AWACS Program

    Good news its lot difficult to develop AESA radar but they had did it successfully. congrats to DRDO in advance tobe soon deployed AWACS
  3. keerthan

    Pipavav Seals Indian Export Record $ 452 Million OPV Deal

    They can look after the security of our coast and they can also be armed wiafter short term requirements for offensive purpose. for medical evacutions also we can use them.
  4. keerthan

    India is no Britain : A discussion after Agni 5 - world opinion on CNN

    if u think china can make india into pieces then we will not go alone but take you also down with us:guns::china:.
  5. keerthan

    Pipavav Seals Indian Export Record $ 452 Million OPV Deal

    Was the OPV from our navy design. if it is then can pipapav sell the our navy designed ship to foriegn countries without our government permission can any one shed some light onto it.:undecided:
  6. keerthan

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    DRDO should fastly integrate the Radar and other vital system and deliver it to airforce by this year end or next year starting for user trials.
  7. keerthan

    Pipavav Seals Indian Export Record $ 452 Million OPV Deal

    First deliver us one of the 5 ordered OPV to Indian navy. When it will deliver it..........????
  8. keerthan

    Indian Navy on ship-buying spree

    can you provide link for what u said about destroyer. I don't think Indian navy will buy destroyers from Russia. Becoz already P15 and P15B destroyers will be built. But about frigates yes Indian navy will go for 3 more frigates this by year end it will be signed.
  9. keerthan

    French shipbuilder DCNS eyes more contracts from Indian Navy

    indian navy will not choose the SAN ANTANIO LPD becoz the UNCLE SAM won't be giving TOT and they won't be gree to us building it in our shipyards. Well JUAN CARLOS LHD is good but at 27,000 tonnes it will strech our PSL to their limit that to with delays to construct them. So mistral remains...
  10. keerthan

    French shipbuilder DCNS eyes more contracts from Indian Navy

    When will Indian navy select the winner some where i saw it said by this year end is it true. Which shipyards going to build this 4 LPD or LHD their are pretty big vessel when compared to battle ships build by our shipyards. Is pipapav going to build 1 or 2 of this ships. I think our...
  11. keerthan

    How Assam was always the Target of Muslims?

    just last week only gote my voter Id bro. next elections my vote definitely for BJP:thinktank:
  12. keerthan

    How Assam was always the Target of Muslims?

    nehru was stupid ******* idiot who don't have any brains nor does he has the ability to take decisions. and look stills their dynast has the same abilites. nehru in the last might not have given assam to them but he accomplished it by giving away haif of the kashmir to pakistan.
  13. keerthan

    India rejects trilateral security pact with Australia, US

    yeah that was a good decision not to buy fighter jets from america. they are old designs and pakistan already has F-16's so buying that gives us no advantage. man thing in which they lost out even before entering that contest is their end user aggrement and string attached with it. which would...
  14. keerthan

    How Assam was always the Target of Muslims?

    This vote bank politics are the favourite sport of congress Assholes. then won't care about anything. they don't even understand the devastation it causes to national security. if this goes on without check then surely remaining districts of assam also will have majority people as this...
  15. keerthan

    India, Ecuador negotiate the sale of Dhruv

    yeah cockpit surely looks great. only problem with the exports is the present production rate of this helicopters. with the present rate of production they won't even be able to meet all the requirements of indian armed forces in near future also. best thing would be rope in pvt companies like...
  16. keerthan

    Russians Discuss Future Aircraft Carrier Plans, Eyeing India

    thanks for the offer. But no thanks. in the least navy may just like to take design blueprints from russians but nothing more than that
  17. keerthan

    From P-17 to P-17A's - Next Generation Stealth Frigates of Indian Navy

    Well they will be quite comparable to formidable class of Singapore and fremme frigates of French. What ever no doubt they will do outstanding addition to our coming up CBG of navy
  18. keerthan

    India plans a 65,000-tonne warship

    I don't think it will be a nuclear powered. They will be too expensive and it won't fit under 2 billion tag price. May be IAC3 onwards we may go nuclear. But not IAC2
  19. keerthan

    India's first nuclear submarine set for trials

    May be our follow on arihanth class SLBM will be comparable. We may add some features learned from TOT from scorpene and may even P-75I submarines deal
  20. keerthan

    Update On Indian Navy Force Modernisation

    I am eagerly waiting for when the navy will decide 4LPD vessels winner. Anyone has any info about it.....???
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