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  1. Anony

    Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

    The most fcuking, biased and nonsense article, i have ever come across. The author is the biggest moron and lacks comprehending situation. None of the facts are based on reality just a mere assumption one makes on a cocktail party. And even if some facts are true by co-incidence, one need to...
  2. Anony

    How can The weight of LCA MK2 to be reduced by 500 KG?

    That data of 5680kg is from famous defence Analyst Mr. Harry's Research. He is the one till date who has given the best insight of LCA Tejas capability. Then it was said that scientist associated with this program is trying their best to reduce further 200kg so that it can brought to the...
  3. Anony

    Brand New Indian Anti-Submarine Warships Begin Service Next Month

    It's firepower will bring shame on the face of all the enemy frigates in the region......... I think had it been built with a little older design and metals, it would have weighed no less than Talwar class frigates
  4. Anony

    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    Medium category was IAF spinoff to put Sukhoi's out of contention. The entire world classifies fighter as single engine and twin engine. Now we actually don't need Rafale. All these deep strike mission is for someone who is alien to defense world. In actuality, with 2-3 precision guided weapon...
  5. Anony

    Akash flight-tested successfully in very low altitude near range mission

    Akash, missile was successfully test fired in very low altitude near boundary mission today i.e. 18th June 2014 by the Indian Army. This flight trial was last among the validation trials being carried out by Army on the first off production models of Akash supersonic missile. The supersonic...
  6. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    IAF will anyway be dependent on Russia for most its needs post 2030 and post 2035 as well. Remember FGFA will be actually 75% Russian and 25% Indian. Only cost is equally divided. And just not to be over dependent on Russian, I can't support some deal which will surely going to kick us back in a...
  7. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    I too have heard of these news. Still doubt and even if it happen 1 quarter or 3 months will and should not make any difference in discussion or IAF's operational capability.:-) The only difference if we sign this Rafale deal and if we don't sign this deal from quantity perspective is one...
  8. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    Again it's super sukhoi which cost $100million and not Su-30mki. So in first place when you termed $100million, I assumed you are talking about Super Sukhoi and thus I presented you with the logic for the RCS figure of Super Sukhoi. If you are talking about up-gradation, just check the how much...
  9. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    First of all where did you find that 15 sqm figure. That was the expected RCS value of basic Su-27 and not of Su-30mki and not of the one we produce today with increase composite content and will never be even close to the one which we will produce after 5 years. Secondly, Meteor can be...
  10. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    Heavy and light is only categorize by IAF, question is of fulfilling the needs. Rafale with full load will have RCS close to range of 3-5 sqm. This is a very big value to get track by today's date radar. I agree modern Su-30mki will also have RCS of 8 sqm but it will not stand that relevant. How...
  11. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    I am not mistaken by any way. In my post, I have clearly stated how LCA, Sukhoi, Mig-29 will/should be used post 2030. Neither I am talking about replacing the entire squadron by only 5th gen fighters. You have totally neglected the entire logic. Cost: As per cost 126 Rafales for $20 billion...
  12. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    We need to understand the threat perception. We have/will have Pakistan & China as our adversaries. For Pakistan, whatever IAF has is more than enough. LCA(inclusive of Mk2) will be more than enough for any operation against PAF. With that we already have operational Sukhoi squadron on western...
  13. Anony

    Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

    It's too late now. No more I am supporting this deal. If possible, I think India should buy key critical technologies off the shelf and scrap this deal. If the deal is signed end of this year, then IAF will receive the first two squadron from France not before 2020. It will take HAL close to 12...
  14. Anony

    India: Raising our own sun

    AHMEDABAD: India has incubated the sun in a laboratory. After 25 years of exhausting trials, the Institute of Plasma Research (IPR) in Gandhinagar has put the country in the international elite league of only six nations, and has taken the first step to tap an alternative and endless source of...
  15. Anony

    amca and fgfa...can india afford to fund 2 5 gen fighter at the same time?

    You must be knowing that there is no step by step thing in defence world. The development happened in parallel. China didn't start working on J-20 after completing J-10. Even India didn't started word on K-family of missiles after completing development of Agni-V. This is why I described the...
  16. Anony

    amca and fgfa...can india afford to fund 2 5 gen fighter at the same time?

    Can you please elaborate how? Rather buying fighters from other countries brings corruption in place. So what is your solution, we should stop AMCA , close down DRDO and all R&D going on in India and keep buying FA from other countries for the next 10 decades or forever. In the last 66+ years...
  17. Anony

    Success on debut for K-4 undersea launch of missile

    Ideally yes, but you need to understand that a cruise missile can't be automatically expected to follow a ballistic path. Guidance system, re-entry system, materials & coatings to overcome the reentry heat and other thing need to be redesigned or fitted into. But important of all K-family of...
  18. Anony

    Success on debut for K-4 undersea launch of missile

    I read it somewhere K- family of missiles doesn't leave the earth's atmosphere. These are quasi-ballistic missiles and can also be termed as hypersonic cruise missile upto some extent.
  19. Anony

    Agni V canister and mobile launch vehicle TCT 5 tested successfully

    Though I always considered your post to be factually correct when it comes to air warfare, I find this behavior of yours towards indigenous development & DRDO in particular very amusing. I agree specification of Astra being 3.6m to 3.8m in length, is a big question one should ask oneself before...
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