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  1. J

    Persecuted Pakistani Muslim minority seek refuge in China

    Pak Government is indifferent. They couldn't care less about its own people. Ahmadis are very small compared to 180-200 million Pakistanis. I have advised all Ahmadis to leave Pakistan ASAP. But not everyone can afford to leave.
  2. J

    The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

    The picture with the snow on the mountain looks stunning. I wonder if Middles East will get colder and colder. UK is getting warmer though.
  3. J

    How do people view Islamic organizations in Pakistan from the outside

    I don't get it, were Pakistanis not Muslims all ready? were they not following Islam before? For the last 30-40 years Pakistanis are becoming more and more radicalised. I noticed it when even our Cricket teams were showing off their beards and praying in cricket grounds. It started slow. This...
  4. J

    Gullu Butt Beaten Up By Angry Mob In Court Premises

    Justice served on the streets of Court house. This pretty much sums up how much faith Pakistanis have in their Judicial system. All that badmashi of this Gullu Butt seems to have taken a leave to Ganjas head. I told you these Zamindar and feudal in Pakistan are only good at oppressing unarmed...
  5. J

    ISIS has designs on India: Experts

    These delusional so called warriors of Islam wish to bring death and destruction on non Muslims and innocent Muslims alike.
  6. J

    The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

    Does it snow in Saudi Arabia too? Is it recent due to global warming or some rare cases?
  7. J

    How do people view Islamic organizations in Pakistan from the outside

    Its classic brainwashing and softening the enemy population. You do realise Taliban aren't the only ones that plan to turn Pakistan into their version of ''Islamic'' heaven. There are many others, Dr Israr marhoom's organisation, Jamaate Islami, Jamaat ut Dawa etc all have similar goals but...
  8. J

    The Arabian Peninsula and Arab world in photos

    Inshallah when I have the time and resources I definitely plan to visit Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia. Turkey will probably be the first one on the list, very easy to visit Turkey from UK. And it snows in Morocco. LOL
  9. J

    Persecuted Pakistani Muslim minority seek refuge in China

    It sad that you see this as a opportunity to spew your venom against Pakistan. As for Ahmadi Muslims, we will not be used by anyone. Get this into your thick head. Mullahs will soon get what they deserve. Don't expect Ahmadis to help any country in creating instability in Pakistan.
  10. J

    Post a picture of yourself

    Okay my bad. Forget the Jews. How old are you anyway?
  11. J

    The Jewish Question: A Problem without a Solution

    Most of the article repeats the same racism spouted by Nazis. I know bad thing shave happened. But Israel is to stay, at least for now. I want Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace side by side. Just by someone saying I don't recognise Israel will not make it disappear. Israel is here to...
  12. J

    Post a picture of yourself

    Are you 12 years old? Just a question. Btw Jews have nothing to do with me or this question.
  13. J

    'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

    Britain is fast catching up with third world countries. Hail Britannia! Now if a white European was to say that he would be branded as a racist. Debate about home grown extremists and immigration is censored by main stream parties and media, this is why Right Wing movements across Europe are...
  14. J

    This is what Sports is all About

    Ronaldinho is a cool guy, what he did for that disabled man was probably the best day of his life.
  15. J

    19 June 1992, 22 years since notorious Jinnahpur allegation and operation clean up by Nawaz Sharif

    Operation achieved nothing. Crime rates stayed the same, if anything it increased. MQM received more support from Urdu Speakers who were never supporters of MQM in the first place. After operation MQM made a strong come back in local elections. So much for the operation. Nawaz takla's plan...
  16. J

    FIFA Brazil 2014 World Cup

    I like the way Chile plays the game. Very exciting team. Spain is using the same old tactics which doesn't work in south American atmosphere.
  17. J

    Only for Pakistanis

    1. Improve education system. One syllabus should be followed all thorough Pakistan, Government or Private Schools and same rules should apply to madarsa. 2. Solve the electricity problem- Without no industry can run it 3. Pakistan needs a proper ministry and a corruption free fund just for...
  18. J

    PMLN militant wing

    I'm not even MQM worker. I simply implied that Noora thugs are only good at scaring and killing innocent and poor people of Punjab, their thuggish behaviour will not work in a metropolis like Karachi.
  19. J

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

    WTF are you talking about?
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