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  1. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    He is just a nuisance at this point in time. His men are dying because of his delusions and past mistakes. These terrorist must know there is a limit to what government and people are willing to take. Enough is enough.
  2. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    That's why I said if they will only be given a choice, especially Hkongers, for sure they will prefer to stay being a slave by the British than mainland because the locals despise China and the mainland Chinese. By the way your data a pure crap just like your made in China products. :lol:
  3. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    No ceasefire with MNLF Aquino rejects Misuari’s conditions By Tarra Quismundo, Nikko Dizon Julie S. Alipala and Dennis Jay Santos Philippine Daily Inquirer Sunday, September 15th, 2013 What ceasefire? Fighting between government troops and Moro rebels holding hostages in coastal villages...
  4. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    This rebellion cannot continue forever. Finish them soonest. Give them the bullets they want. This MNLF terrorist did the same thing 4 years ago in the same place causing 200 deaths to innocent civilians and military personnel. There is a need to have a final solution to this issue that will not...
  5. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Is that what your fellow Chinese doing here? Oh well sorry but it's a fact and you can't just hide and accept it. Maybe you're just guilty as one of those Macauan Chinese people who discriminate the Mainlanders? Well actually this is becoming a very serious issue in HK/China. It is very...
  6. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    It's not really the whole city that was occupied by these terrorist group but only small portion (5 out of 95 villages) yet sad to say I think the whole city is paralyzed, catatonic and bleeding. Well I hope Aquino should know that by delaying and hesitating to take definitive actions, more...
  7. Bienvenido

    4,000 fighters ready to strike in East Malaysia, claim Filipino rebels

    Philippines is also one of the founding members of UN. Obviously respect and delicadeza is not really in your vocabulary.
  8. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    He's getting older and signs of an early dementia and late adulthood crisis is caving in. I think it's really time to end his suffering.
  9. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Misuari has all the chance to help in developing ARMM when he was a governor. He has done nothing maybe pocketing the billions of fund supposed to be for ARMM. Its time to silence this guy once and for all he has no right to demand anything from the government.
  10. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    No doubt there will be collateral damage in this new adventure of Nur Misuari. The people should expect it but there is no other way now for government but to do everything it can to do away with this brazen attack on innocent civilians. These terrorist must know there is a limit to what...
  11. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    MNLF group of Misuari are not brave enough to face their Allah. They used people to shield themselves from government forces. This is an act of cowardice, they are not bound to fight 'till the end. Only terrorist group use civilians as human shield. I hope Mr Aquino will put a bounty on Nur...
  12. Bienvenido

    President Ma lauds Taiwan-Japan ties

    Well good job! Taiwan :cheers: Japan
  13. Bienvenido

    4,000 fighters ready to strike in East Malaysia, claim Filipino rebels

    If China really owns those Islands as you claim then you have nothing to fear and you should face us in the UN. :lol:
  14. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Who wants to be a Chinese anyway? Even Hong-Kong and Macau if given a choice will prefer to stay being a slave by the British, the locals despise China and the mainland Chinese, not to mention Taiwan. :lol:
  15. Bienvenido

    Moro National Liberation Front resumes armed struggle against Philippines

    Normally every time things like this happens in other countries, the group responsible for this act of terror will be harshly dealt with unlike here...that's why the rebels just kept on doing the wrong thing as they please. say wipe those terrorist out of our country once and for all and be...
  16. Bienvenido

    Muslim rebel attack shuts down Philippine city.

    The cowards MNLF taking innocent people as their hostages-what a coward tactic of their legendary stupid, moronic, imbecile leader, Misuari. The government should annihilate this MNLF once and for all. and you are to China after US
  17. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    While the central government is busy with PDAF scam. There are other things that must be taken into account. Misuari and his men are now hungry of power and attention. One solution: show no mercy to their terrorist group! Kill Misuari, he is the source of shame not only for the Philippines but...
  18. Bienvenido

    4,000 fighters ready to strike in East Malaysia, claim Filipino rebels

    MILF appeals to MNLF to take path to peace By Charlie C. Señase Inquirer Mindanao September 9th,2013 COTABATO CITY, Philippines – The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has called on the Moro National Liberation (MNLF) “to take the path of peace” following Monday...
  19. Bienvenido

    4,000 fighters ready to strike in East Malaysia, claim Filipino rebels

    These people have the nerve to take over and occupy a land in Malaysia? That's why they're not wanted anywhere because wherever they are, there's trouble. They have wasted more than 20 precious years of running the ARMM. Misuari is a pest in this country. He's given the chance to improve the...
  20. Bienvenido

    Moro National Liberation Front resumes armed struggle against Philippines

    Nur Misuari and his MNLF has had their moment. After a peace deal with then Pres. Fidel Ramos, the ARMM was created and he was the overwhelming choice to be the ARMM governor. But he wasted his chance until his people no longer want to retain him. When he was unseated, he resorted to rebellion...
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