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  1. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Philippines isn't the greatest country in the world and neither is China. Philippines is changing rapidly, if you ever go to the Philippines you would be surprised how much more it developed, you can make fun and talk bad about Philippines, but in the end it is obvious that Philippines will...
  2. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    LOL so the topic was already merged here. I still can see a lot of topic running as a separate thread related to SCS that can also be merged here, yet there are also topics related to Chinese economy that they can also merged too. Not just SCS. Hmm seems they only choose 'some' what's not good...
  3. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

  4. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    First off, let me start with this question. Do you think you can do a better job in leading the free world? When you ratified the UNCLOS in 1996, you made a statement that you enjoy sovereign rights over its exclusive economic zone of 200 nm and the continental shelf. You also stated a law...
  5. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Tonta! Bobo! Tanga! Did you even bother to read and understand the whole article? No tienes cerebro! And also stop saying "we" because your not a real Filipino. Everyone knows your just a damn Chinese freakin Troll :cuckoo:
  6. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Thanks to our allies especially Japan :tup:
  7. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    It only proves China don't have any respect. You are enemy of the free world masquerading as friend. You cannot use SCS as "extension chord" to connect your maritime boundary to our territorial waters. Anyway this action does not in anyway complicate the purpose and intent of our country. The...
  8. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    Now your accusing the UN arbitration as a westerners' laws is the lamest excuse I've heard from. What next "super power"? If you can't follow the international laws that we have all agreed and signed upon then you have no place in the international community. You should be isolated and...
  9. Bienvenido

    Philippines Defence Forum

    This is a natural calamity we cannot control. We just have to stay calm. I send prayers and condolences for the families' victims who died by that strong earthquake.
  10. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    You are just allergic to legal means because you thrive on doing illegal things.
  11. Bienvenido

    VIPs: Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines

    Good article. I thought the small 's' goes to Singapore. S.Korea is ASEAN's best Asian partner together with Japan.
  12. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    Does this mean that if a Neanderthal comes out now and say "I own the world because me and my forefathers was the first one to walk the earth" would make them owner of 5 continent? Can Armstrong say I own the moon because historically I was the first man to walk on it. Things must be governed by...
  13. Bienvenido

    Economic ties not enough to build lasting ASEAN relations

    Again they are lying again. China don't even have the legal basis on their claims that's why they don't want to face the music...they know that they will be put to shame when trial ends.
  14. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    I remember Chinese FM Spokeperson Hong Lei saying that "China has sufficient historical and jurisprudence evidence to support its claim to the Nansha islands, which are located in the South China Sea and their adjacent waters." I was like really? Come on then why can't you submit yourself to...
  15. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    This is a case of a big bully with no brains and a trouble maker in this peaceful region. I applaud Aquino for standing up to a bully.
  16. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    China doesn't want the UN to interfere with its action because they knew then that they don't have any proof and they cannot support their claim. Well the entire world will never ever recognize China's moronic and baseless nine-dash claim.
  17. Bienvenido

    HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino

    The conference was a formal event where bad manners are not welcome. Being host...Indonesians did the right thing.
  18. Bienvenido

    South China Sea Forum

    Never in history of any civilized country in the world where a nation claimed to own an entire body of Sea, except now China.
  19. Bienvenido

    China denounces US support for Philippines stance

    A third party under UN should really be encourage by the Americans to formulate the rules of navigation on West Philippine Sea. This is to prevent China to bully or bribe other ASEAN nations into accepting their conditions at the sea.
  20. Bienvenido

    Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians in Philippines

    Misuari besmirch the image of Islam and destroy the honor and dignity of the good Muslims in the Philippines. He is wreaking havoc beyond the teaching of Islam...A certified paranoid psychopath who doesn't deserve to exist...
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