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  1. Q

    Muslim homes, mosques, Madrassas vandalized by mob in Pune

    Why has it not been reported by any major dailty, also i have not heard anything about it here, do doubt the veracity of this claim.Pune in general can be counted as one of the most urban, tolerant cities in india.Excluding this recent incident, political activities are very low in pune, Shiv...
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Of two co-travellers who surprised the writer with their graciousness, 24 years ago It was the summer of 1990. As Indian Railway (Traffic) Service probationers, my friend and I travelled by train from Lucknow to Delhi. Two MPs were also travelling in the same bogie. That was fine, but the...
  3. Q

    Crackdown on staff abuse!

    I have never doubted your personal integrity, all your posts show very high maturity and have no hesitation to say that you are one of the best pakistani posters.Apart from that i agree with everything in your post, accept the part where you state that no of Indian trolls are greater than...
  4. Q

    Crackdown on staff abuse!

    Let me also be frank as frankness seems to be the general trend.you are not doing us a favor by allowing us here , the same way any business is not doing any favor to its customers by providing them their services.A great no of indians visit this form regularly and it benefits the forum owner in...
  5. Q

    How to stop persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh?

    .i'll say evaluate your anger, if it is against india, your current leader or against hindus, and don't confuse one for the other.If you do that successfully, there is no cause for prosecution of hindus in bangladesh.
  6. Q

    Britain could get Muslim and Hindu Bank Holidays

    The whole world loves Muslims for exactly this compassion for other religions that you displayed.Ohh.....wait troll alert.
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    Vatican asked India for a religious undertaking: India refused says CBI Director

    You are a poor familly below just above poverty level in T.N , kerala , A.P. A missionary will come to you , start with praises and advantages of Christianity , message of peace and all that stuff.But the main argument comes afterwards,hw will tell you a base price that you will get after...
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    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Stop this shit right now....i am from south and statements like these are not good.
  9. Q

    Vatican asked India for a religious undertaking: India refused says CBI Director

    Do you have any idea of ground reality, have you ever been to your village and enquired about these things, or are you one of those moderstic hindu more concerned about idealistic notions rather than reality.
  10. Q

    Vatican asked India for a religious undertaking: India refused says CBI Director

    We are waking up....but the damage has been done.Millions of poor indians have been converted to christianity both during the british rule and the years following that.Hindus which say hunduism will flourish and other crap like that have no godamm idea about ground reality. In my hometown there...
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    Muslim techie beaten to death in Pune, 7 men of Hindu outfit held

    Boko haram kidnaps hundreds of innocent christian girls......muslims say ohhh, they are not muslim, they don't represent islam.Everyday muslim extreemists kills hundreds of people in the name of islam, muslims say....ohh , they dont represent islam.Some 11-13 retards kill one practically stupid...
  12. Q

    Officially becoming a secular liberal person

    Go on in your path of exploration, of both yourself and your sorroundings.Evolving mindset represents maturity, it might not always be the right evolution but heck if we don't make mistakes we will never learn.I'll not say whether your choice is right or wrong cause i myself have no answer but i...
  13. Q

    Which Book are you reading

    Have you tried fantasy fiction yet.....i'll suggest "Name of the wind" of kingkiller triollogy, painted man by Peter .v .Brett. For court cases the usual liberal dosages of Perry mason and John Grisham.For fiction try "Bruno and boots" series by Gordan Korman, a bit kiddish but worth it. But...
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    Which Book are you reading

    Just started reading "Empire of the stars" by "Arthur I Miller".The premise of the book is fascinating especially to indians.It tells the story of one Subramaniyam chandrashekhar who was the first one to claim that certain stars will collapse at certain times to virtually nothing i.e death of...
  15. Q

    Can indians comment on Pakistan related sections?

    That thread doesn't intrest me personally, add to that lack of knowledge on that matter.
  16. Q

    Tamil actress Monica converts to Islam and quits films

    For pakistani an liberal women is a prostitute , any slightly exposing actress is a stripper.Again stop propagating your views as indian views....kapish. Please elaborate....?
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    Tamil actress Monica converts to Islam and quits films

    Stop talking horse shit.....pakistani's are funny with their claim of knowing india better than indians, i am a south indian who has lived in north most of his life and never i have seen dislike or belittlement towards southern movies, infact after finishing our share of Bollywood movies...
  18. Q

    Pakistan fires 120 rockets in latest wave of cross-border shelling in Kunar

    The irony here is killing me, again proving in international relations the only motto that always stands is : The powerful is always right, the weak is always wrong See, the chest thumping pakistani's now bombing a country which is still in shambles for the very...
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    11-month child brutally beaten by his caretaker in Pune caught on camera

    i had a problem with his blanket statement that women's only responsibilty was to take care of child, this very mentality has kept females down in various countries like inida,pakistan,afghanistan.Now, am i saying that a women should not take care of her child...NO.But appointing a trusted...
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    11-month child brutally beaten by his caretaker in Pune caught on camera

    A bit extreeme there dude, such thoughts don't belong in this century.
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