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  1. ISRO2

    Chinese military expert accuses India of spying on UAE plane

    Sir why can china raise a voice? First they used civilian code to fly. Do you know sir that arms cant fly under civilian code? Thats a illegal and a crime. Why they didn't used defence code? And sir do china thinks indian land belongs to china's father? Its our land and we will protect it all...
  2. ISRO2

    Chinese military expert accuses India of spying on UAE plane

    sir you are representing your country. What reverse engineering gotta do with thread? Sir china voileted our airspace by illegal arms which were flying under civilian code. Why not defence code sir? Are u telling me that china can use indian land without indian permission? Is indian land belongs...
  3. ISRO2

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    Sir above article says our aircraft carriers wont be compitable with hawkeye E-2D. Sir dont u think next is america aircraft carrier in line? Am sure it is because indian ocean india's heart. It doesn't matter india will have 3 new aircraft carriers. Having 4th one ain't bad sir.
  4. ISRO2

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    Sir very good news for indian navy. It seems america not in mood to say No to india. thank u sir for the news.
  5. ISRO2

    S-400(russian) vs PATRIOT(american) ABM systems

    Indian AAD believed to be superior then patriotic-3. Can anyone compare AAD vs patriotic with the help of latest AAD test video in which it targeted incoming missiles at exo and indo? Thank you.
  6. ISRO2

    S-400(russian) vs PATRIOT(american) ABM systems

    Sir what's difference between SAM and anti-missile? Like we cant compare SAM with anti-missile. One targets jet fighters while other targets incoming missiles. S-400 is SAM sir while patriotic is anti-missile or is it both? Anti-missile and SAM which drops jet fighters? Thank u sir in advance.
  7. ISRO2

    American Hostilities in Asia and impact on Pakistan

    Sir america already started making moves in pakistan. America kept increasing its presence in pakistan and i doubt pakistan can do much. Sir someone above posts said america cant afford one more war. Sir iraq was rich country with oil. Yet they lost war. Pakistan far behind in money compared to...
  8. ISRO2

    Mush solution for Baloch separatists

    Sir today for first time i felt proud on one pakistani and thats you sir. Atlast sir someone had spoken what's right. Whole world does think when pakistan has so many internal problems and threats why he kept saying kashmir. Sir you have spoken truth. If pakistan concentrate on internal problems...
  9. ISRO2

    Mush solution for Baloch separatists

    Sir i think mush bit dont care type person. He said pakistan was not involve in war in kargil when india told mush to pick up dead soldiers. He said its taliban and kashmir jihadis. Later on he admitted it was pakistan who attacked india. When asked what he gained? He said we shown india we can...
  10. ISRO2

    U.S. eyes military equipment in Iraq for Pakistan

    Sir i think general mushraf done big mistake today. He admitted american arms bein used against india. i doubt now america would had american weapons to pakistan. i dont know why mushraf really said that just after america thought of giving pakistan weapons. Why mushraf needed to say that today...
  11. ISRO2

    Now, China makes incursion in Uttarakhand

    Mam do u really think russia would side china against india? Mam i would like to know what benefit that would be for russia? If america joins india in a war with china than russia wont do anything as they knew it would be end of china. Russia learn that in cold war. Mam which country faught war...
  12. ISRO2

    China denies incursion into India

    Sir yes thats my view and am sure my view on target. Sir china cant do much. The small incursion and diploymatic move is only left now for china. Diploymatic move wont work much as india an emerging power. In past china did made alot moves but now they dont have much option left with. Now they...
  13. ISRO2

    Chinese military expert accuses India of spying on UAE plane

    Sir i think china telling india that it should not check anything that comes in india as if china the king. Sir its strange when UAE said sorry to india and admitted it was their mistake not flying under defence code. It seems china lost its mind sir. They saying anything that comes in their...
  14. ISRO2

    Now, China makes incursion in Uttarakhand

    Sir do you really believe that shri lanka, bangladesh, nepal and myanmar india's enemy? Sir thats a sweet dream for your country. People rulling bangladesh are indian puppets. Only bangladesh army apposite to us as they even attacked its own democratic bosses and then surrended fearing they...
  15. ISRO2

    Which missile test is this? - Watch video

    Sir laughing on failure is easy and creating something new is alltogether different thing. Youtube full of anti-pakistan. Do some searching and am sure sir you wont visit youtube again.
  16. ISRO2

    Isreal SPYDER SAM vs F-16

    Sir india dont believe in having one defence systems. india believes in having 3 layers of it. Even with anti-missile system india gave a thought of having patriotic defence system and Our AAD defence system together but the cost would be out of control. Our sciencetists claimed AAD Superior to...
  17. ISRO2

    Isreal SPYDER SAM vs F-16

    Thank you mam for giving details of s-300 SAM and spyder SAM. :happy:
  18. ISRO2

    Pak now says no Baloch dossier was given to India

    Sir the big dossier reply from pakistan in a weak would be ready. Its after american pressure. Indian trick worked sir.
  19. ISRO2

    China denies incursion into India

    Sir i think china more worried then our indian media. China knew if indian media keep provoking indian goverment then india would take offensive action and will build our forces more strong in indo-china border which ain't in favour of china's instrest. Thats why china came in open against...
  20. ISRO2

    Chandrayaan was a success: Mike Fincke

    Sir our moon mission was more then successful. India the only 4th country to drop india flag on moon's surface. China too aint done that. The only thing india missed was crashing our chandrayaan on moon. It will crash but we wont be having pictures of crash as it would about to happen. India and...
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