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  1. American Pakistani

    Pakistan's Afghan Burden

    1)Seal the Pak-Afghan border by erecting a wall with 24/7 surveillance. Just buy Wakhan corridor from Afghanistan & then seal the whole damn border. 2-a)Launch massive operation & crush the remaining TTP/BLA/etc terrorists on Pakistani soil brutally with zero tolerance. 2-b)Accept Afghan...
  2. American Pakistani

    Why do Indians get more top US jobs than the Chinese?

    So true...that is the key of their success story. The US is the country that provides equal opportunity for everyone without discrimination.
  3. American Pakistani

    Why do Indians get more top US jobs than the Chinese?

    I've yet to come across a Pakistani family who have 4-5 kids. The only ones having 4-6 kids are those who just migrated to US. Same is the case with Indian families who consists of max 3 kids. Agree but in case of Indians they go for higher education, regardless of their family background...
  4. American Pakistani

    Pakistan military mad at release of militants

    This duffer Nawaz Sharif releasing the terrorists & sentencing heroes like Musharraf.
  5. American Pakistani

    Why do Indians get more top US jobs than the Chinese?

    All Pakistani families i know have no more than 3 kids. The max i see is 5 kids of those families who just migrated. Same is the case with Indians but they focus on studies no matter they have to take loan, financial aid or work their @$$3s off.
  6. American Pakistani

    Why do Indians get more top US jobs than the Chinese?

    One thing that i appreciate about Indians here in US is that they pursue higher degrees. On average they all have Bachelor's degree at least. This is where i want Pakistanis to focus & learn from Indians. Thankfully slowly Pakistanis are catching up. The higher education may be the reason why...
  7. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    Again my question is even if we dream of capturing moon what are you feeling insecure for? Too much obsession i guess. Seems to be fresh student of Indian Army & that bharat verma the clown propaganda.:omghaha::omghaha: Game is not over my dude...why are you in hurry?:what::azn:
  8. American Pakistani

    Iran takes guards’ issue to U.N.

    Learn something before opening your mouth. In that one post he had committed atleast 3 forum rules violations. @Serpentine @Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar kindly read that post again...he is accusing this forum as terrorist recruiting site. Not taking action means his post is correct & Mods/Admins...
  9. American Pakistani

    Abducted Iranian border guards freed in Pakistan: lawmaker

    No one accused Iran of lying. The only thing Pakistan asked was proof but Iran proceed with threats & chest thumping. Rest In Heaven to the martyred guard. Death to the terrorists.
  10. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    Still you seems a bit insecure.:omghaha::omghaha: Did i press the nerves?:omghaha::omghaha: Ah try some new phrase...no offense but every time you repeat this when even it is not needed shows your stupidity.:crazy:
  11. American Pakistani

    Grand gesture: Saudi Arabia gifts 200 tons of dates to Pakistan

    wow...yummy & mouth watering. Thank you Saudi Arabia.
  12. American Pakistani

    Iran takes guards’ issue to U.N.

    They are joke. One day they claim guards are dead next day they claim all are alive. Pakistan should just stay alert in South west to repel the attack if Irani Forces try their supremacy bullshit, show them their aukaat...tabhi sudhrengay.
  13. American Pakistani

    Iran takes guards’ issue to U.N.

    You can call it whatever you want, neither Saudi Arabia nor Pakistan call it aid. You are insignificant between the two countries. @Serpentine @Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar etc Kindly screw this troll. Oh you are not losers? Come and attack Pakistan if your Army has some b@lls. facts...
  14. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    I was talking to serious people not clowns. For you my reply will be what made you think Pakistan will agree on the garbage such as converting LoC into IB?:crazy::crazy::rofl: Yes Pakistan did compromise. It is greed of people like you in India that is main hurdle in between peace. For people...
  15. American Pakistani

    I am a Hindu in Pakistan, but a Pakistani in India,

    Feel sad for them. So Unfortunate that they had to leave there home.
  16. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    The best options are to either a)both countries pull out of Kashmir & give them independence, b)held referendum in each and every district...the districts that have more votes for Pakistan joins Pakistan...districts with more votes for India joins India...districts with more votes for freedom...
  17. American Pakistani

    Iran takes guards’ issue to U.N.

    Why would someone's death be my point of interest? It is so unfortunate that recent nonsense from Iran is causing massive change in views of Pakistanis. Even we (from as far as Sind region) grew up learning & viewing Iran as brother nation but recent developments says otherwise. RIP if the...
  18. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    Pakistan had already compromised a lot since 47. It is time for India to do some compromise. Why would it always be Pakistan who have to compromise. Sorry i didn't found your claim anywhere in the source you posted. Kindly specify the paragraph/topic which backs your claim up. Only i see is...
  19. American Pakistani

    Kashmir is not India’s internal matter: Pakistan

    Then what right do you have on Junagarh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan? You occupied them & held referendum even when their rulers merge their state with Pakistan. Because the majority population was Hindu so you held referendum in those states but when it comes to Kashmir you guys claim that the...
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