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  1. American Pakistani

    Iran, Pakistan Plan Joint Naval Drills in Persian Gulf

    Don't worry about some individuals personal opinions.
  2. American Pakistani

    Street Child World Cup: Pakistan edge Philippines to go through to semi-finals

    Are they Pakistani Shedis(Blacks)? Would love to see Pakistan international team coming out of them. I really wish it happens.
  3. American Pakistani

    Street Child World Cup: Pakistan edge Philippines to go through to semi-finals

    Yes those guys in pics look like Liyarities. I' am sure Pakistan can come up with a good strong team from Liyari & Makran region.
  4. American Pakistani

    India vs. Srilanka: T20 World Cup Final

    lol...can't understand your post at all. Go Srilanka this cup is yours.:chilli::chilli:
  5. American Pakistani

    Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size?

    Pakistan does not have a "long" head start as you are trying to say. It is just 25 years before Bangladesh. Pakistan is busy in wars & instability since 1947 which is not the case with Bangladesh. Still Pakistan's economy manage to reach 264-300billion$ in 2014. Tourism in North Pakistan alone...
  6. American Pakistani

    India vs. Srilanka: T20 World Cup Final

    Supporting SriLanka.
  7. American Pakistani

    Street Child World Cup: Pakistan edge Philippines to go through to semi-finals

    Good job.:tup::tup: Pakistan should focus on football/soccer. Should have international team like cricket & hockey.:agree:
  8. American Pakistani

    Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size?

    Bangladesh & Pakistan's comparison makes no sense at all. Also i don't think Bangladesh can surpass Pakistan as Pakistan has a big land. Pakistan is always busy with wars & instability since 1947. Give Pakistan a peaceful decade & i can bet it will expand it's economy 20 times of what it is...
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