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  1. American Pakistani

    US will cooperate with Islamabad against terrorism: State Department

    Pakistan should cooperate with the US to crush groups like TTP, LeJ, BLA, etc.
  2. American Pakistani

    Truck full of explosive material captured at Lahore

    Great news. Great success of Intel.
  3. American Pakistani

    Army tasked to secure four international airports

    If Army has to do all job then why are they not allowed to rule? Failed govt, failed ministries, failed courts, failed interior ministry, failed provincial ministry, failed police.
  4. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    These Indians think they are SUPA PAWA. They had been feed with such high magnitude of lies that they think their country is protected by God's own Iron Curtain thing. Their generals & politicians know their limitations very well & that is the reason that they still are unwilling to go for a war...
  5. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    Actually, Now kindly get back to the topic.
  6. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    As I said Pakistan have nothing to loose & India has everything to loose. I pity only one thing Indians burning & hijacking each & every thread.
  7. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    I didn't force you, dear troll. No it is because Pakistan is already in the midst of a war & there is not much economic activities. Fighting with India will also strengthen the bond of unity between Pakistanis.
  8. American Pakistani

    Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

    I would love to see Gwadar being developed just like Islamabad. Planned city & infrastructure, fool proof security, business hub, adventurous mini cities, safari park(based on African wildlife parks), industrial parks, Manhattan like area where there is a sea of highrise, beautiful open beach &...
  9. American Pakistani

    Couple beheaded in public over love marriage

    What a shame...no law & order at all.
  10. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    You are a fool if you think this way...i guess bharat verma the clown has damaged the brain cells of yours. Pakistan is much more stronger & powerful then in any of the last wars. In any war with India Pakistan will make sure that if it is going down, it take down India too. There is nothing to...
  11. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    You've heard that India is SUPA PAWA too but if only saying does the job then i would say "I' am billionaire" everyday.
  12. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    And in return Indian cities & railways & other infrastructure will be targeted by Pakistani forces. Pakistan is ready to fight a war...you can attack anytime you want to.
  13. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    Whatever floats your boat well. BTW Pakistan is more than capable to take care of itself but i was talking about the "common sense". But you can?
  14. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    And you think Pakistan will sit idol? Even China will respond as it is their investment.
  15. American Pakistani

    Nawaz sharif becomes Mamu !

    So this NS is a troll too.
  16. American Pakistani

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    Try that & see the result. Even Russians won't save you this time.
  17. American Pakistani

    First Block 2 JF-17s under construction in Pakistan

    Good. But Pakistan should work on some 4.5 gen fighter now jointly with Saudi Arabia & UAE. Pakistan got best experienced engineers whereas KSA & UAE have plenty of resources.
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