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  1. acetophenol

    PDF Mobile

    @WebMaster: i can't thank anyone from my mobile
  2. acetophenol

    Russian Navy

    Mines I guess:)
  3. acetophenol

    Offensive signatures!!

    As long as everyone remains silent on Poland....:drag::drag:
  4. acetophenol

    India bans 3,500 yr old Tamil cultural sports

    Jallikatu must be allowed to conduct under supervision of officials who make sure that the animals are not abused like putting chillipowder in eyes,giving alcohol etc.
  5. acetophenol

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    Some one please do look here: No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead. | Page 19
  6. acetophenol

    No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead.

    The more you make this kind of post,more will we go on having this hungama. We design and make our own aircrafts in India,as well as we license build aircrafts in India. @WebMaster: please specify the reason for negative rating.
  7. acetophenol

    Indians got India,not Hindus- MJ Akbar

    No matter how many examples we give to people like you,you will keep on recirculating the same BS again and again. Few 'ceremonial posts' point is laughable as the others. We have given you enough examples to prove that Indian muslims have been successful,just like other religions,holding...
  8. acetophenol

    Indians got India,not Hindus- MJ Akbar

    the list would be endless bro!
  9. acetophenol

    Plane refuels ... at highway gas station

    Thanx for the info :cheers: Any idea abt helis?
  10. acetophenol

    Plane refuels ... at highway gas station

    Isn't fuels used in aircrafts different from ordinary motor fuel?
  11. acetophenol

    World Bank: India Has World's Largest Population of Poor

    Poverty in India has witnessed a consistent decline with the levels dropping from 37.2% in 2004-05 to 29.8% in 2009-10 and 21.9% in 2012 to 11.8% in 2014.
  12. acetophenol

    Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

    Several accounts of Gurkha bravery has been already posted here buddy,but you can't wake those who are pretending to be sleeping.
  13. acetophenol

    Pakistan's Shame: rampant sexual exploitation of children

    Child sex abuse must be the topic here bro,whether in India or Pakistan
  14. acetophenol

    Mangalyaan Doing Well, Will Reach Martian Orbit on September 24: ISRO Chairman

    A few weeks ago,large oversized containers carrying equipment related to Cryogenic engine manufacture were bought to VSSC in Trivandrum. It made heck of a news as the entire National Highway was shutdown for 3 22 wheeled platforms,power lines cut down!
  15. acetophenol

    Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

    Some Pak members has got their arses on fire!
  16. acetophenol

    No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead.

    You definitly won't have to worry about facing 40 squadrons of IAF,as we are facing crunching numbers ourselves. But yeah,there is numerical superiority.
  17. acetophenol

    Pakistan's Shame: rampant sexual exploitation of children

    India also has the same problem.
  18. acetophenol

    Indians got India,not Hindus- MJ Akbar

    The thread was about the serious misunderstanding of majority Pak members that Indian muslims are treated unequally in India.
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