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  1. acetophenol

    Prithvi Defence Vehicle Fails to Intercept

    Ananth Krishnan (tarmak007 fame) works for Indian Express. But this article is not by him
  2. acetophenol

    Prithvi Defence Vehicle Fails to Intercept

    From the same article. In my knowledge ,a success in when parameters are met upto expectation. I don't know how New Indian Express interprets the term.:coffee:
  3. acetophenol

    Scorpene subs to join fleet without torpedoes : Navy regrets MoD Delays

    Say thanks to the almighty A.K."saint" Antony For so long we've been complaining about corruption,and the god has given us him!
  4. acetophenol

    Average Indian male consumes 33 litres of alcohol /year: WHO

    Congrats guys:cheers: @ SpArK,@ Seiko,@nair and all other mallus:We did it comrades! 'Queue' in front of Kerala's state owned beverages outlets
  5. acetophenol

    Pakistani student beaten up in Indian university

    For the record,I got beaten up in the road,publicly during my school days,and in my frst year at the college basket ball court,where I was made to count stars,literally!:D
  6. acetophenol

    Pakistani student beaten up in Indian university

    That was an act that brought shame to the entire nation,and my apologies. I hope he makes a full recovery .
  7. acetophenol

    Indian lies On Kargil War

    Man,our defeat was pathetic all the time,especially in 1971:cry:
  8. acetophenol

    Indian lies On Kargil War

    I got this from the same wikipedia
  9. acetophenol

    Indian lies On Kargil War

    Bollywood actors:coffee:
  10. acetophenol

    Odisha Muslims

    Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around
  11. acetophenol

    Mosques around the world

    Palayam Juma Masjid,Trivandrum,Kerala,India Lies in the heart of capital city of Kerala,India,an important landmark.
  12. acetophenol

    No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead.

    Ramp up your economy,everything else will fall in place.
  13. acetophenol

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    do take screenshots buddy!
  14. acetophenol

    BIMARU Corner.

    tamil konjum teriyum! Naan trivandrumkaran.
  15. acetophenol

    BIMARU Corner.

    Translation:When the wind blows it needs no direction,when love speaks it needs no words!:D
  16. acetophenol

    BIMARU Corner.

    kaatru veesum podhu disakal kedayathu,kadhal pesum podhu mozhikal kedayathu
  17. acetophenol

    The 10-year-old who offered money to India's central bank

    1 US dollar = 59.4500 Indian rupees
  18. acetophenol

    Metro Man E Sreedharan, Modi's choice for Railway Minister?

    If it happens,then I will bow down to modi a 100 times!
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