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  1. Nagraj

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    in front of whom?? pakistan!!! sir you need to wake up and wash u r face !!!
  2. Nagraj

    India-pakistan together against USA

    good show guys!!! by the way i wonder if they discuss politics??? if yes i will curious to know how they manage to do so with smiles on their faces!!!
  3. Nagraj

    India's defense expenses to be 2nd highest ($100 bil.) in Asia-Pacific by 2016

    Man one article and so much bhasd!!! the so called analyst must have made few more prediction in the past . let's check weather they came true or not before even discussing this issue???
  4. Nagraj

    Honour Killings : The crimewave that shames the world

    I have always failed to understand that father/ brother who always loved their daughter/sister "the two people who are supposed to defend the girl " can go ahead can kill a girl just because someone else in society says so. this is mind boggling.
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