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  1. Nagraj

    Explosions in Mumbai

    why are u so haapy about itt???? they will read only this post and ignore the rest of the post.
  2. Nagraj

    Don't corrupt our people, Anthony tells defence companies :)

    Save a virgin do with me instead.
  3. Nagraj

    Chinas answer to Americans withdrawing aid to Pakistan

    u r happy to score few points on pdf. even if pakisan goes to helll. may u have u r orgasm while watching indian posters burning while watching pakistan burn. Amen
  4. Nagraj

    Chinas answer to Americans withdrawing aid to Pakistan

    agreed wait few years
  5. Nagraj

    Let’s imagine that the Israeli army were bombing Lebanon and Syria -

    Muslims have least human right/voice in in muslim countries.
  6. Nagraj

    Altaf Hussain to demand a Mohajir Province in Sindh

    funny this there is smoke without fire.
  7. Nagraj

    Amid threats, U.S. woos Pakistan from behind walls

    :tup: Man . American has put his evil roving eyes on pakistan. trust the Americans to seduce/coerce pakistan to do the bidding. Pakistan is so gonna spread her legs and do it eventually.:lol::lol:
  8. Nagraj

    PDF comic book corner !

    read til class 4 or 5 then shifted to nagraj as it had action. more over i thought chcha chaudhary should be read by kids not a guy who is in class 5 :P
  9. Nagraj

    PDF comic book corner !

    Hello !!!!!!!!!! c'on guys do post some pics and wiki links so ii can know more
  10. Nagraj

    Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

    ROFL!!:lol::lol: loved the sarcasm!
  11. Nagraj

    Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups - More US Propaganda

    indeed heavens forbid! but for whom dude???? and osama is already dead. as for proof , do you think that analyst made up stories to find osama's exact location???
  12. Nagraj

    Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups - More US Propaganda

    from conciously looking away civilians government is now forced to look away. let's admit it what can zardari/ pm of pakistan do if army decides to do something. it has been aptly said countries have army but pakistani army has a country.
  13. Nagraj

    Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups - More US Propaganda

    ok people are saying that america is not ready to show any proof chances are very high that american thinks it's useless sharing proof with pakistan. pakistani as usual will do nothing even after getting the proof and go at ususal pace. and getting a step ahead they might get wind of the...
  14. Nagraj

    Australia loses its 28 Soldier in Afghanistan

    dude u r embarassing people......
  15. Nagraj

    Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups - More US Propaganda

    because this 14000 can cross border easily and their action can be leveled as action by non state actors. keeping hands of pakistan clean
  16. Nagraj

    UN nudges Pak on law for 26/11 trials

    naah dude they have backing of china. and chinese really don't care what terrorists do in india.
  17. Nagraj

    Pakistan’s attitude to terrorism has changed: Rao

    yawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she also happens to be evil yindooo............ lol
  18. Nagraj

    India could be key target of new al-Qaeda chief

    Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Nagraj

    CIA Had Plan to Portray Saddam Hussein as Pedophile

  20. Nagraj

    Who has the best "Thanked/Post" ratio on PDF?

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