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  1. Bubblegum Crisis

    Saudi Arabia Boosts Its National Guard

    @ al-Hasani, @ BLACKEAGLE, @ Arabian Legend, @ Gabriel92 :happy: Flashback… Continue… See all old links : Saudi National Guard upgraded to Ministry | Page 2 Saudi National Guard upgraded to Ministry | Page 3 KAEC to have 2m people, projects worth $100bn on completion: CEO | Page 2 More...
  2. Bubblegum Crisis

    KSA, the UAE to get submarines

    No need to be enthusiastic. :disagree: This proposal is ‘a pure scam’. Italians do not have a real expertise to build submarines. The future submarines - with ToT - will be German (Huge doubts - relationship Germany Israel -), French or South Korea. Need help ? Link : Google Translate See...
  3. Bubblegum Crisis

    KSA, the UAE to get submarines

    Scorpène-class submarine (French) :smart: Name: Scorpène Builders: DCNS Operators: - Chilean Navy - Indian Navy - Royal Malaysian Navy - Brazilian Navy (planned to 2015) Cost: $450 million Building: 2 Planned: 19 Completed: 4 Active: 4 General characteristics Class & type: Scorpène...
  4. Bubblegum Crisis

    Algeria : Bouteflika sends retired ‘Toufik’ and 100 officers

    Continue 1 : :partay: Need help ? Link : Google translate Quote 2 : Le général "Toufik" échec et mat en Algérie ? Texte par Assiya HAMZA Dernière modification : 06/02/2014 Le puissant général Mediène, à la tête du renseignement algérien depuis 42 ans, pourrait être prochainement mis à la...
  5. Bubblegum Crisis

    Algeria : Bouteflika sends retired ‘Toufik’ and 100 officers

    Checkmate ! :partay: Need help ? Link : Google translate Quote : MISES A LA RETRAIRE D’UNE CENTAINE D’OFFICIERS : les medias officiels restent muets Algérie Express - Détails Publié le jeudi 6 février 2014 - 13:00 Écrit par Ali Graichi A la mi-journée de ce jeudi, les medias officiels...
  6. Bubblegum Crisis

    UAE Armed Forces & Defence Industry News

    Continue 1 : In the future. :azn: Turkish Space Technologies - News and Updates | Page 12 Arirang-3 (Spy satellite) launch lifts Korea's space program Defense cooperation agreement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia Defense cooperation agreement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia | Page 4 ...
  7. Bubblegum Crisis

    UAE Armed Forces & Defence Industry News

    @ Arabian Legend, @ BLACKEAGLE, @ al-hasani :yay: :azn: Need help ? Link : Google translate Quote : Un contrat de vente de satellites militaires français met au jour les rivalités franco-américaines dans le Golfe 29.01.2014 à 12h03 • Mis à jour le 29.01.2014 à 12h06 Nathalie Guibert...
  8. Bubblegum Crisis

    Saudi Arabia’s DF-21 missile force

    lol This is totally ridiculous… Never, China will not allow to CIA (USA) ‘examine and dissect its strategic missile technology’.
  9. Bubblegum Crisis

    Syria's Assad accused of boosting Al-Qaeda with secret oil deals

    lol :partay: Oh, it is not different from that. Just natural. Al Qaeda in Iran, Why Tehran is Accommodating the Terrorist Group? Al Qaeda in Iran, Why Tehran is Accommodating the Terrorist Group?
  10. Bubblegum Crisis

    Syria's Assad accused of boosting Al-Qaeda with secret oil deals

    :pop: Quote : Syria's Assad accused of boosting Al-Qaeda with secret oil deals Western intelligence suggests Bashar al-Assad collaborating with jihadists to persuade West the uprising is terrorist-led By Ruth Sherlock, in Istanbul and Richard Spencer 7:53PM GMT 20 Jan 2014 The Syrian regime...
  11. Bubblegum Crisis

    US secretly backs rebels to fight al Qaeda in Syria

    Quote : US secretly backs rebels to fight al Qaeda in Syria
  12. Bubblegum Crisis

    Turksat 4A satellite ready for launch in February

    @ xenon54 You’re welcome ! It is always a great pleasure. :yay:
  13. Bubblegum Crisis

    Turksat 4A satellite ready for launch in February

    Continue 2 : Need Help ? Link : Google Translate Visiting Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (C), Japan´s Mitsubishi Electric president Kenichiro Yamanishi (R) and Turkish space company Turksat president Ozkan Dalbay (L) pose with a commemorative plate as...
  14. Bubblegum Crisis

    Turksat 4A satellite ready for launch in February

    Continue 1 : Turksat 4A satellite (Similar to ‘ST-2 Satellite’) Mission : Telecommunications Mass : Total mass at lift-off 5078.8 kg Dry mass 1986.3 kg Stabilization : 3-axis stabilized Dimensions : 2.9 x 3.2 x 6.6 m Span in orbit : 31.6 m Platform : MELCO DS2000...
  15. Bubblegum Crisis

    Turksat 4A satellite ready for launch in February

    … Enjoy ! :smart: Relations with Japan are excellent. ...
  16. Bubblegum Crisis

    Top Industrial PowerHouse of Islam Geography ?

    @ cabatli_53 Turkey !!!!!! Turkey !!!!!! Turkey !!!!!! (Aerial, Missile, Land sector... everything) Thread closed my brother ! :closed: ...
  17. Bubblegum Crisis

    NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

    Not now - 2014 -. Patience...
  18. Bubblegum Crisis

    NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

    If ! If also, one day (GCC in ~ 20 years). NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!! ...
  19. Bubblegum Crisis

    NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

    Unnecessary, currently - 2014 - we (GCC) do not have this capability (Air, Land and Sea to project far away).
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