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  1. Icewolf

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    Buddhist are more peaceful than Hindus which is why every Muslim conqueror that stepped into India didn't bother them that much... Now when it came to Sikhs and Hindus.. They were savages who need to be put down and civilized.. Btw most Pakistanis converted due to normal acts of...
  2. Icewolf

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    he spread the light of Islam and destroyed the heathen Somnath temple 17 times... We love him.. That's why.
  3. Icewolf

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    Maybe you're retarded... The Hindus that were raped moved to east to India to avoid more rape... So I guess you are screwed either way you look at t. :rofl:
  4. Icewolf

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    Not true... Most Hindus who got raped moved to India afterwards to avoid more raping by Muslim armies... They make up most of the Hindu Sindhi population in India... Much of Pakistan was Buddhist.
  5. Icewolf

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    Mahmud of Ghaznawi - one of the best Ghaznis in world history... Raped Hindu kings like it was his job... Destroyed heathen Somnath temple 17 times... We love you Mahmud of Ghaznawi... Indians are just ******** after this... They are ******** for 1000 years
  6. Icewolf

    56 dead as standoff between government and Muslim rebels continues in PHP

    Phillipines should definetly put more effort in developing Mindanao... Right now that place is comparable to 3rd world countries like India or Ethiopia... No human deserves to live the way that Moro live... So phillipines govt should develop that area before it becomes another India...
  7. Icewolf

    Hindu Extremists Attack Christian Family in India

    I agree Pakistan is hell for minority and India is heaven on earth for minority, happy ? Btw I'm a minority
  8. Icewolf

    India to Test “China Killer” Agni-V ICBM

    India is that nerdy small kid in the back of the class who wants revenge against the big jock, China, because he got got beat up by him in 6th medium... But As much as India tries to get taller, china still isn't interested in him as he is not in his peripheral because India is so...
  9. Icewolf

    India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

    India is that nerdy small kid in the back of the class who wants revenge against the big jock, China, because he got got beat up by him in 6th medium... But As much as India tries to get taller, china still isn't interested in him as he is not in his peripheral because India is so...
  10. Icewolf

    Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

    That just means India reports 20% less rapes than Pakistan :rofl:
  11. Icewolf

    Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

    And like how same guys broke big soviet republic :omghaha: Btw I know you hate you real country, Hindostan, but no need to act Russian
  12. Icewolf

    Hindu Extremists Attack Christian Family in India

    Bad sickular media :cry: vote modi Ji for PM. :tup: :lol:
  13. Icewolf

    India beats poverty - with accounting

    Glance in any direction you care to look and it’s painfully obvious that immense and degrading poverty is still the norm for millions of Indians. Poverty forces them to live like rats in sewers, to eat horrible food, to cope without running water, to suffer the horror of defecating in the...
  14. Icewolf

    Move to China?

    Why is this in Bangladesh DEFENCE?
  15. Icewolf

    Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

    Yes they are bundled up in that Sindh desert one of the most backward areas of Pakistan, now I know why it's backward!!!
  16. Icewolf

    Hindu Extremists Attack Christian Family in India

    A Christian family was recently attacked by Hindu extremists in Rajasthan, India. On Aug. 13, four men went to Rev. Vishaal Behl's house looking for him and his wife. When they didn't find the couple, they attacked and seriously injured his mother. They told her they had to convert to Hinduism...
  17. Icewolf

    Secular India: Doctors tell horrific tales of Muzaffarnagar massacre

    All Hindos are pissed off in this thread :omghaha:
  18. Icewolf

    The Guardian Spirit of Assad Reveals His True Intentions

    After receiving Russia’s proposal to take custody of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons in Syria, President Obama is considering the possibility of averting military strikes against Syria. However, many concerns still remain. Will pursuing the diplomatic path stop the killing? Will President...
  19. Icewolf

    What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India?

    wasim akram, veena malik, musharraf, zaid hamid are not in india :rofl:
  20. Icewolf

    What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India?

    LOL are you kidding me... which sane human being want to go to india... pakistani migrating to india like egyptian or tunisan migrating to sudan :omghaha:
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