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  1. G

    Three Sri Lankan soldiers shot dead: army

    please read full paragraph friend pls read full article. the person who shot them then killed himself.
  2. G

    Narendra Modi in Beijing, tells China 'Pakistan is making use of you'

    The size of the font shows who is frustrated ... lol.. The world has realised what a great leader Narendra-ji is. Just beacsue you allege something it doesnt becoem the truth. remember you are sheltering many terrorists like dawood, hafeez , zargar etc who have killed thousands of indians...
  3. G

    Indus Water Treaty now ineffective: int'l water expert

    from what i know the WB has commended India for upholding the IWT very well. All this inspite of all the wicked things that Pak does to india
  4. G

    Pak exports of stones, marble, granites to China doubled in 2011

    where do you think these clouds will then go to drop their load? more north or more east?
  5. G

    Awesome New Pics of China’s Stealth Fighter

    can you see the indian fighter behind the chinese one in the pic? no you cant because the indian fighter is the real stealth fighter.
  6. G

    11 Muslims sentenced to death in India’s Gujarat riots case

    name one such person because the great narendra modi came in their dreams.
  7. G

    Pak exports of stones, marble, granites to China doubled in 2011

    humen bhi kuch export kara do. i think with india s mfn status , more such exports will be diverted from china to india.
  8. G

    Chinese bank ‘backs off’ from Iran gas pipeline

    thats because pakistan has no eggs
  9. G

    11 Muslims sentenced to death in India’s Gujarat riots case

    oh detective Karamchand, please state facts.
  10. G

    Billions in cash flees Afghanistan, economy threatened

    all the money from turkey to pakistan has been looted from indian hindu kings for a 1000 years.
  11. G

    India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

    thats a statement that displays and your thankers' ignorance. Secularism is about non interference of state in religion. Reservation came about as a social justice system where it is alleged that upper castes oppressed the lower castes and so they are getting benefits. Muslims like you guys...
  12. G

    Shri Modiji's Gujarat now has worlds biggest power plant.

    Too bad.. Gujarat is a dry state and no bars.
  13. G

    In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

    elaborate please elaborate please
  14. G

    LTTE chief Prabhakaran's 12-year-old son was shot five times in his chest s

    sad,, but in war this happens. no difference between army and tigers. both terrorized each other
  15. G

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

    you called modi a terrorist w/o proof. and you called bjp and rss as thugs w/o proof and you called muslims are tolerant.
  16. G

    In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

    beef is there in most indian states , so why are you cribbing. see you are oppressing 97% of the populations and suppressing their desire for a drink. we only dont allow beef which is eaten by less than 25%. so who is more oppressive?
  17. G

    In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

    if i am indian muslim can i buy alcohol?
  18. G

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks love, peace, tolerance in Pakistan

    FYI, you guys invited him. and he is there to do good. He iwll spread the good message of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. try it, you feel happier and changed. i dont know what feroze did. and please google the srisri part for your answer By the way , you ned to pay to attend his Art...
  19. G

    In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

    Cow is not hurt while its is being milked. please ask any farmer. and yes its permissible , but permissible where? in india? of course, we have meen milking cows for centuries. I love milk products, but dont like and dont eat meat. and i dont miss it at all.
  20. G

    In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

    you know that its not a fad in india and an absolute reality. many americans genuinely believe in it. also in UK every food has to be lablled with a 'V' for veg only because they take it seriuosly. yes some of the rightwingers do make fun , but so what. you do what s good for you and what you...
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