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  1. Mo12

    Professor pitches 'Chinese Union' bloc

    Guess you can add Pakistan to part of greater China as well.
  2. Mo12

    Top players sue Bangladesh over unpaid wages

    Waiting for Bangladeshis to blame RAW and India as usual. LOL
  3. Mo12

    Threat of Sino-Indian battle looms large ahead of 50th anniv of 1962 war

    Dont understand chinese mate, you need to re-write that in English for all us Indians to understand what your saying.
  4. Mo12

    Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

    Need to book my holiday to Egypt earlier now. lol
  5. Mo12

    India expands more than Brazil, China in June quarter: HSBC

    Your just dumb if you comparing standard of living between USA and India based on nominal GDP per capita.
  6. Mo12

    Salman Khan to visit Pakistan

    Salman Khan is probably the most well known muslim in South Asia after Abdul Kalam, Imran Khan and the WIPRO boss.
  7. Mo12

    China to invest US$20bn to develop Iranian oilfields

    ITs not been confirmed. Plus title say it will happen, so hasn't happened yet. Tell me, when it does please.
  8. Mo12

    Delhi Metro stumbles upon 17th century mosque demolished by Britishers

    Nothing is confirmed, so don't get ur knickers in a twist. Delhi has enough Mosques and Temples. Don't need any more.
  9. Mo12

    Delhi Metro stumbles upon 17th century mosque demolished by Britishers

    Please don't rebuild the mosque. Its over 300 years since it was last demolished! Make the metro/school/offices etc there, where it will bring economical and upbringing to the masses in India.
  10. Mo12

    Sindh accused of blocking Baluchistan water

    This is the reason why India should try to help Balochsitan.
  11. Mo12

    UAE funds water projects for 44 Pakistan villages

    Nope the link I gave and the link of the first post proves to everyone here, most of Pak and Aghan infrastructure projects are supported by donations and aid. No need to be ashamed bro. §
  12. Mo12

    UAE funds water projects for 44 Pakistan villages

    Another banned topic discussed and inability to stick on topic!
  13. Mo12

    UAE funds water projects for 44 Pakistan villages

    Here we go, the topic has move to donations to help fund infrastructure... to toilets, poverty, 50% poor blah blah. These trolls, only know 1 way of life here.
  14. Mo12

    UAE funds water projects for 44 Pakistan villages

    Afghanistan and Pakistan have many things in common. Most of Pakistan and Afghanistan infrastructure projects are mainly supported by aid and donations. BBC News - Afghanistan aid: Donors pledge $16bn at Tokyo meeting
  15. Mo12

    Islamist group al-Nusra 'behind Damascus blasts'

    A video posted online by an obscure Islamist group, al-Nusra, has said it carried out two bomb attacks in the Syrian capital Damascus on Thursday. The attacks took place near a military intelligence building during the morning rush hour, killing 55 people. Authorities had blamed...
  16. Mo12

    PAF should've invested more on J-10s rather than JF-17s

    You didnt make it, all the planes and most of the design was made in China. Even though it was made in China, China refuses to deploy these planes.
  17. Mo12

    Russia calls to speed up India and Pakistan joining SCO

    More so called India sucking up to USA articles. Sick of it really, because its all false.
  18. Mo12

    India invites Sialkot Stallions for Champions League

    Great news. Would love to see Chennai Super Kings anhilate Sialkot Stallions.
  19. Mo12

    U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

    I think USA military are talking about the muslim terrorists only
  20. Mo12

    Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

    lol wat a joke, Pakistan is still like before greece with 7k amount. just shows statistics can be very misleading, just like in this case.
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