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  1. Lionaides

    Sri Lanka Bangladesh Daily Flights Soon

    Hope it will increase lanka-bangla friendship
  2. Lionaides

    DU students protest attacks on Hindus

    Just try it for 1 time....and u will see what r we capable of ..........
  3. Lionaides

    Future BD medium-range SAM

    I think HQ-9 would be more decent then HQ-12........
  4. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    I would love to see some BUK or Chinese derives of BUK HQ-16/HQ-16A as Bangladeshi medium range sam system...............it is a decent sam system....it can improve our anti aircraft protection quite a lot..........
  5. Lionaides

    Shahed 278 helicopter

    looks like bell 206......is it the iranian version of bell 206?
  6. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    J-10 is quite a new platform......it has not proven yet.......BAF don't want to take any risk ......as we all know we don't have much money :):)
  7. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    nice pic bro......
  8. Lionaides

    Saudi diplomat murder mystery exposed

    nope I don't.....why?
  9. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    ah if this comes true I will buy you sweets.......:tongue: Typhoon would be a day dream..........don't want to see any Migs or JF-17.......but J-10 and SU-30 mixer would be a great package...... but my personal favorite is JAS-39giripanN/G and SU-30 package.......:smitten:
  10. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Yeah I know that later version of Mig-29 are good.....but we need a dedicated long range AC to protect our maritime border.....SU-30MK2 suits better for this role......
  11. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Army

    Bangladeshi Type-69mk2g aren't completely upgraded....they haven't replaced their main gun yet....an army personal at ARMED FORCES HARDWARE SHOW told me this!!!!!!!!!! :( .....the work of type 59g will be started in the next year....
  12. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Army

    hey bro can you give anything about IFVs of BA??? is there anything on procurement list???
  13. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Navy

    Which types of torpedoes are in service with BN?
  14. Lionaides

    Saudi diplomat murder mystery exposed

    brother none of this parties are good.....every party is corrupted ......Bangladeshi political sector needs a huge change
  15. Lionaides

    Bangladesh Air Force

    don't want to see any MIG-29 anymore..........SU-30MK2 will be nice........Mi-35 is good but MI-28 would be awesome ...."shigs".....need some specification on F-7BGI....didnt see it yet.....need a pic too....
  16. Lionaides

    Should we consider a LPD for our Navy ?

    we need more frigates ,corvettes ,petrol boats and buy some submarine 1st to support a LPD......without them LPD is nothing but a sitting duck...................
  17. Lionaides

    Air Staff of the Bangladesh Air Force visits Burma

    Will it increase friendship between this two countries????????
  18. Lionaides

    Saudi diplomat murder mystery exposed

    need to sleep well.......i think i m having a nightmare......how many fairy tell I have yet to be heard from this GOV??????????? the BAL gov??
  19. Lionaides

    'Suu Kyi also had to struggle like me' : PM Hasina

    never trust a lady in the 1st place.....hasina, khaleda both of them r mad....there is a tell "পাগলে কিনা বলে , ছাগলে কিনা খায়"......khaleda and hasina...
  20. Lionaides

    Should we consider a LPD for our Navy ?

    Hey mate you people may have more men we have.....but we have got more toys then you....and we have far more batter weapons then yours.....u people don't have a frigate yet
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