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  1. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    @Prince of Persia Probably he didn't know, Islamic-Arabic names, many think automatically Arab. Problem is in Europe many started to refer to all muslim countries and scientists as arabs. But it's changing now, many sources refer to the correct ethnicity.
  2. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Never tried. My friend one day I will visit India and try all these food :D, I've one good Suriname-Indian friend, but he's working 24/7!... The food you describe sounds good because we also use Tamarind (tamre-hendi) in ghaliye mahi (southern dish made of fish). Tamr gives the food a good...
  3. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    It has nothing to do with shit, it's just part of those words. Another fruit>>Mango>> anbeh in persian.
  4. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Syrian Air Chief Killed by Rebels

    I don't know, time will tell.. How many % of anti-assad forces are FSA troops at the moment?
  5. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Syrian Air Chief Killed by Rebels

    Just saying what will happen, because some are saying both sides should stop blabla.. not realistic
  6. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Yes, in our language the same.
  7. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Syrian Air Chief Killed by Rebels

    @all This war will end when 1 side is completely defeated. Till then the war will go on.
  8. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    know.. but "an" alone is shit, else we would have many shitty words (angur, anar, andishe, angize, andam etc) haha
  9. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    daal.. soon I will make daal, my mother always made it for me, but now I live alone. Haha once my mother said she knew an Indian family in Iran. They made hot food and also the baby ate from that food :lol: His body was already resistant against hot food.
  10. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Deastroys "air" in stomach, destroys worms in stomach, makes stomach stronger. :lol:
  11. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

  12. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I know what it is, it also grows in Iran. But we use it as medicine, not for food (at least not where I come from). I guess worth trying
  13. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    Nice example Targon. I say lets build modern nuclear reactors with help of west to power desalination plants so that all the water could be used for foresting and agriculture. Even todays street-mullah know they should work with west... if they want progress.
  14. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    [Gallery] This paradise is called Iran

    We should work with the west and also make the dry places green by foresting those places. I think Europe has good experience with foresting. The true Iranians, in race, culture, happiness, mentality and everything.
  15. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Iranian Chill Thread

    We use also "adviye" Advieh or adwiya (Persian: ادویه‎) is a spice mixture used in Persian cuisine and Mesopotamian cuisine.[1] It is used in rice dishes, as well as in chicken and bean dishes. Although its specific composition varies from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea, common ingredients...
  16. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

    No I'm not a Pakistani and north-west Europe is not like US, It's 10 times better. US spent much on bloody wars while its population are suffering. What is your obsession with being slave dude haha. Do you work as a slave?
  17. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

    Please I've no time for nonsense (you're sheep, you're not smart, you don't know what's happening blabla). If you want serious discussion and you have arguments let me know. Like I said don't compare Iranian politics with that of north-west European countries. There is no "trias politica"...
  18. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

    I live in Europe, and I've lived in Iran. Here in Europe I'm free to give my opinion and to vote which party I like. In Iran not. Please don't compare the political system and press freedom of Europe with that of Iran.(or any asian/middle east country near Iran). Even considering to discuss...
  19. Shapur Zol Aktaf

    Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

    Because they agree with your comments, they allow it. But when you give your opinion and it's against "them", they will censor them. I also posted comments which were not censored, but those opinions/comments were not against them. You know "some of them" even couldn't tolerate ahmadinejad, so...
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