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  1. L

    Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

    rofl do not even lie bro. Just check out this thread only guys supporting him. And do not tell me the guy who is posting here is not educated!
  2. L

    Hafiz Saeed calls followers to wage jihad against India

    yes seems like it with all the support hafiz has in Pakistan
  3. L

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    i think its not like that. theres lot of slums near lots of beaches in mumbai who dump their waste directly in water. it wouldnt smell as bad if they could get rif of those slums
  4. L

    Unprecedented queues as Beijing subway introduces airport-style security (PHOTOS)

    Almost the same in Delhi metro Rajiv chawk on peak hours. you cant tell your leg from all other legs
  5. L

    Four illegal Bangladeshi immigrants caught in Modi's Gujarat

    yes yes it is but the kids per girl is better
  6. L

    Four illegal Bangladeshi immigrants caught in Modi's Gujarat

    India has more kids per women compared to Bangladesh. so sterilize every one in India too? Plz be humane in discussion
  7. L

    The Moral Collapse and gradual break down of American/Western Society

    A pregnant women at that.
  8. L

    The Moral Collapse and gradual break down of American/Western Society

    I support gay rights and they should be accepted as equals/given equal rights.
  9. L

    The Moral Collapse and gradual break down of American/Western Society

    And US is still the best country in the world:usflag: sounds like fun time to me
  10. L

    Love brings Indian lady doctor to marry in Pakistan

    rofl theres no good girls in Pakistan? :P
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    Love brings Indian lady doctor to marry in Pakistan

    oh wow the courage. but yea love makes ppl do stupid shit. MUCH RESPECT
  12. L

    Atleast 10 illegal Bangladeshi Bengalis are arrested in West Bengal

    cant be done for now because it will lead to large scale one sided movement of people. not being mean/stupid
  13. L


    cultural colonization? from google.internet.com
  14. L

    Is there any member appearing in JEE advanced exam?

    had mine back in 2006. good luck to you :)
  15. L

    Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

    colonizing self? does she mean like masturbating? :O
  16. L

    Antique, Swords of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW)

    I thought he was a messenger? Didnt know he carried swords. Learns new things :D
  17. L

    Indian consulate post attack Pics

    Damn ISI scurred.
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