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  1. L

    Modi right to ditch English but he should speak Sanskrit at UN

    You know most common language would be English. Tamlis dont want to learn Hindi and we no way in hell would learn a southern language. Common ground - Bengali or English I say we go for English
  2. L

    How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

    The movies you watch with family are called "family movies". Ragini MMS is not a family movie. It is the kind of movie you would watch with your girl friend or may be just friends. Not everything has to be done with family. Do you take your 5-year old to some one's funeral or to a hospital burn...
  3. L

    Modi right to ditch English but he should speak Sanskrit at UN

    language for the brahmins a medium of "scholarly communication" reeks of castism. Learning Sanskrit was restricted only to Pandits (brahmins) "the upper caste" so that lower castes couldn't be educated. It was never spoken by the masses so Mother of all Indian language can suck on my left nut
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    Modi right to ditch English but he should speak Sanskrit at UN

    Sanskrit? lol no one in India speaks this long forgotten language and you expect modi to speak in sanskrit? I would rather Modi talk in Gujarati instead of this garbage.
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    Chinese Forign Minister : China Stands by India

    If we get friendly with China how does that helps in US plans to contain China with our help? Are we ready to ditch US and hop on to China hype train?
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    Tracking Indian made vaccine found on terrorists who attacked Karachi Airport

    Ladies & gentlemen I present to you defence pk's detective Mr. Pakdefender
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    So i have a 29 hour flight ahead of me...

    This guy just tryna make the virgins here jealous by saying he has a girl and going new zealand with her :D
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    Slovakia bans gay marriage

    Gay or not mentally challenged couples could be a danger to kids. Also about stopping some one from being homosexual is just like asking a straight girl to become gay and start liking girls.
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    Sad reality about our mentality...

    well then you can go and protest. Cleanliness is the last thing on peoples mind if they are poor. If every one had a job and a house India would be as clean as western Europe I can assure you that!
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    Slovakia bans gay marriage

    that is just loads of BS. What kind of responsible parent molest their own kid? Even then the cases you hear about molesting their own child always have a straight couple involved isnt it? And for your other point if that was the case no straight couple would ever have their kids grow up to be...
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    Slovakia bans gay marriage

    Are gay people banned from child adoption as well? What if a gay couple has child either from renting a womb or sperm donor? Is that allowed?
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    Sad reality about our mentality...

    That youtube video means nothing!! It is so dirty on that road already. Garbage piled up on sides and that is exactly how it works in India. Garbage is piled around on roads and workers come in pick it up from there. What you could do is install garbage bins around so that city remains clean. It...
  13. L

    Slovakia bans gay marriage

    And I was under impression Eastern Europe was liberal & accepting towards gay rights.
  14. L

    Why all Israelis are cowards

    this. being surrounded by all hostile Arab nations in mid east and standing strong with a much smaller population I would say Israelis are really brave
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    Pakistan is Rising Star Among Top 20 Frontier Markets

    But India's economy increased in terms on Rupees the local currency. So when Rupee bounces back to 45-50 range from current 58-60 wouldn't it offset the current decline in dollar terms?
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    Chak Bamu, new PDF Mod

    Indian mod WHERE?
  17. L

    Delhi Airport Named World's Second Best for Service Quality

    yea and the European airports were really slow regarding that.
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    Delhi Airport Named World's Second Best for Service Quality

    :D was talking of airports
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    Delhi Airport Named World's Second Best for Service Quality

    thats weird. i liked toronto way better but on the other hand I felt Delhi was way better than London and Belgium Airport
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    Priyanka Chopra - Exotic ft. Pitbull

    Pitbull isnt even white lol. he is from somewhere around Cuba
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