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  1. Huan

    Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

    If you want war, then prepare to grieve for another million or so Vietnamese deaths as well. Making them feel frustrated and humiliated is even better sometimes. =)
  2. Huan

    Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

    Yes, please sleep in one bed together. So China will someday shoot both in one location. =))))))))
  3. Huan

    Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

    Don't you have "Maoists rebels" to contend with in India? LOL
  4. Huan

    Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

    A bully calling someone else a bully. LOL
  5. Huan

    Another Teenage Tibetan monk in China chooses Martyrdom.

    Gain back yours country? Yeah right! Don't you have your "disputes" to settle with China?
  6. Huan

    ASEAN Regional Summit Ended In Disarray With No Joint Statement

    OMG, are u calling the Chinese, dogs?!!!
  7. Huan

    Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

    To do what? You sir are soooo paranoid. Sparring with China is ultimately unwise. A small-sized country has alot to lose if it keeps "poking sticks" at China. It is not worth it in the long run.
  8. Huan

    Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

    To me, Cambodia is not losing face. Warming up to China is more beneficial than sleeping in bed with very poor, small countries in the Southeast.
  9. Huan

    Indonesia Slams Asean Failure to Reach Resolution on South China Sea Disput

    ROFLMAO. I am glad you are so pissed off while I am smiling and applauding China's brilliant secret hand in ASEAN to uphold its interests in the South China Sea. Well done, China! :yahoo:
  10. Huan

    India will add more cars than China in 20 years

    You Indians should know that 20 years is too long to wait. Major turbulent events could happen during that time period.
  11. Huan

    OUTSOURCING: China will overtake India in IT outsourcing revenue next year

    China keeps breaking glass ceilings these days. Bravo.
  12. Huan

    World's largest airport starts construction in China

    The "Incredible China". =D
  13. Huan

    Chinese coast guard opens fire on Vietnamese ship

    Why not a rematch?
  14. Huan

    Two Japanese Navy Destroyers visits Sri Lanka

    I think Chinese naval destroyers look better. ^^
  15. Huan

    Score! Largest copper reserve in China found in Tibet

    Why pay to a certain ethnic group of Chinese citizens? They are already part of China. lol
  16. Huan

    Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

    Looks like it is living in the 1800's on India's side, China can it treat it much better with skyscrapers and modern roads of the 21st century. ^^
  17. Huan

    US – India Alliance Puts Pressure On Sri Lanka

    What is with the common mustache? ^^
  18. Huan

    Russian Veterans

    Well, the Chinese were weak back then, going through an era of extreme humiliation and unfair treaties and the like. That's why I keep hearing the Chinese say "never again" with the anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. China should never be weak again. If you are weak, you will be bullied in the...
  19. Huan

    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    And this American (Smarterthanyou) here has the nerve to lecture China despite our record of killing and destruction in the Middle East and Asia. >_> This is China's way of dealing with domestic unrest, that's their business. We are not their government to dictate their affairs.
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