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  1. Pinoy

    Philippines hits China over ‘10-dash line’ map

    Sadly China just spread lies to get what she wants at all cost.
  2. Pinoy

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    Honestly China can be best described as a BULLY with NO BRAINS.
  3. Pinoy

    Philippines hits China over ‘10-dash line’ map

    'It is precisely such ambitious expansionism that is causing the tensions in the South China Sea,' Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose says Published Jun 25, 2014 NEW MAP. A new Chinese map shows a 10-dash line to claim virtually the entire South China Sea. Screen grab from...
  4. Pinoy

    Philippines: President Benigno Aquino to meet Japan’s Abe

    Aquino: Beneficial if Japan can defend allies under attack June 24, 2014 Philippines' President Benigno Aquino III, left, and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attend a joint news conference at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo, Tuesday, June 24, 2014. AP/Yuya Shino, Pool...
  5. Pinoy

    New HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helper’

    It would have been more accurate for the kids understanding to say "I'm a bully" the answer is Chinese
  6. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    Spare me from your moronic comment. If China really owns the whole sea and islands as you claim then you have nothing to fear and you should face us in the UN. Simple as that!
  7. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    Yes there is
  8. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    It's regrettable that a Taiwanese fisherman died but this could have been avoided had they let the coast guard board and inspect their ship. The Philippine Coast Guard had every right to detain and inspect foreign ship caught fishing in our territorial waters, well within our EEZ.
  9. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    LOL clearly you are lying thief Do you still remember how your media blur our Batanes Islands to create the impression that they are not intruding? The incident happened deep in the Batanes Group of Islands. The islands were erased when shown by the Taiwanese media and they made it appear...
  10. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    Just remember this poaching is one issue, ramming your boat with the intent to harm or evade apprehension is another. Anyway I have never heard of any Filipino fisherman venturing into Chinese or Taiwanese waters. Taiwanese reports were just fantasies while ours were facts. Our Filipino kindness...
  11. Pinoy

    Japan loosens tourism visa rules for Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam

    This is a positive development for Filipinos and other Southeast Asian countries. More traffic means more business among them with Japan. :enjoy:
  12. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    Are you Taiwanese? you come here and I will show you a prison full of Taiwanese and mainland Chinese drug manufacturers apprehended in the Philippines. Dont worry they are well taken cared of despite of their evil practice.
  13. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    The Taiwanese boat is trying to ram the PCG. If you were in the scenario, what would you do? Jump off the boat and get drown? LOL . Just fish in your own waters, okay? and stop intruding in other countries. That's what you get for being greedy. Telling the truth at a time when the other side...
  14. Pinoy

    China as BULLY

    LOL just because your ancestors saw the islands, named them, and even "left shards of broken plates on the islands" does not mean you already own them. My ancestors derived their livelihood from those islands long before Chinese arrived. If China really believes that they have reason, evidence...
  15. Pinoy

    Is Japan Planning to Create an Anti-China "Asian NATO"?

    This is a great start to unify the Asian countries to block China's global military expansion. Japan with its economic resources and technical know-how can help other Asian countries beef their defenses. The only way China will take notice and might be less aggressive. But defense measures have...
  16. Pinoy

    China Needs to Make a Military Strike Now - My Personal Assessment

    Well, I hope the Chinese are satisfied now. Given the psychotic behavior of our big bully neighbor that ratchets up its threats, what do you think the best way to go ? China has pushed all the neighbors around in the area, now they see the US reasserting itself into the region. And this time...
  17. Pinoy

    South China Sea Forum

    Look who’s talking, China the bully provoking smaller neighbors for her vague territorial claims that fails in accordance with international laws. If you claim those islands/reefs as yours, FIGHT for it DIPLOMATICALLY in UN court.
  18. Pinoy

    South China Sea Forum

    A country with a very strong military challenges a country with a very weak one, and makes it look like it is the one being aggrieved. This is the best display of cowardice in the history of mankind. Bravo China, for adding another shame to your own existence and for showing the world your true...
  19. Pinoy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    One cannot have peaceful negotiation with a country smelling with a gun powder
  20. Pinoy

    South China Sea Forum

    Well a twisted mind can't think right. China brought this upon themselves and now the Philippines is being blamed for putting things in the right perspective and the proper forum like a civilized country should do. Ambiguity about the extent of China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea has...
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