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  1. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    Ur technology suck, so ur economy have No chance to get better even after a so called 'Economic reform'. The only way to help ur economy get better is reducing ur labors cost .... but its also an impossible mission coz No worker wanna get lower salary . So, just like a poor Titanic ship, ur...
  2. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    Nope, u have No chance even u try at all cost, even u use Nuke bomb coz the World will slap sanction on China and u will collapse like Soviet union. I hope u dont believe that China can conquer the whole SCS(east sea) just by building some oil rigs :laugh: We jump up and down now just like...
  3. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    Lots of Chinese here told me that China can take back TW by forces, but bcz they want a 'peaceful unification' so they dont attack TW yet. powerful enough enough to regain SCS ?? :lol: then fire the first shot to our ship, u will see how coward and useless of China navy is :lol: Bcz ur navy is...
  4. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    China 'helped ' VN to defeat US so China can conquer the whole SCS(east sea) after that. China would not able to take Paracel isl in 1974 if US still supported South VN gotv. And u know how important of SCS(east sea) to China already, right ?
  5. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    Do police will shoot u when u keep moving the car in Red light or they just try to stop u for breaking the traffic rules ?? The police only shoot u when u try to kill him first. So, get out of the Cave and learn some rules in civilized society, dude.:coffee:
  6. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    Yeah, finally Chinese here admit the truth that they r not strong enough to take back TW, not bcz they want a so called 'peaceful unification' . What China doing in SCS(east sea) only show how pathetic it is. China still gain Nothing, but it lost lots of money when its economy is in bad shape.:pop:
  7. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Wrong, there was a civil war in South VN, and pro-North VN party ( National Liberation Front of South Vietnam) in the South won the war. the North and the South was united by general election. The North didnt invaded the South. U can see the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam use...
  8. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Bro , just dont waste time on hoping China will return the lost islands to VN and Phil, just support VN and Phil when war happen. As long as we get enough support, we will teach that big bad bullier a hard lesson again after 1979. Many VNese r getting mad and itching for a war with China , but...
  9. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    When Russia clear the trouble in Crime and can help VN again, VN will happy to join with Russia bro. But now, we must join with US before China bow down and beg for US's support again like in 1979. China join with Russia just bcz they can not receive help from US-JP any more, not bcz China...
  10. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    Even ur speaker dont dare to lie like that, idiot :coffee:
  11. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    No one (even ur best friend) recognize its ur water, but every one recognize its International water. No one blame VN for killing some illegal foreign workers too. Learn the laws before doing something illegally, dude :pop:
  12. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    No, we dont settle the dispute with any one. Dont misunderstand, we will take back all islands when the right time come. But we will respect their EEZ base on UNCLOSS. What is the treaty with Japan that we signed ?? No we have No alliance treaty with anyone now.
  13. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    But we have No choice while Russian bro can not help VN now coz she get bogged down in Crime . If we dont join to US. side, then China will join to US. side like 1979 , beg for support and attack VN again . We r not worry if fighting one to one with China, but we know China willing to beg for...
  14. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    Bcz China has bowed down and begged for help from US-JP since 1978, thats why u still have some cheap Yen. But things changed now, daddy JP dont like u any more and shift their companies to other nations. With out Yen from daddy JP, u will starve to death like ur poor kids in winter :pop:
  15. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    PM Dong didnt Own VietNam and had No right to decide abt VN's sovereignty. Only VN parliament have that right. PM Dong sent u a private letter, but our parliament sent u Nothing:pop:
  16. NiceGuy

    Vietnam signs 25-year oil deal with Russia

    Yeah, cool, time for VN and Russia to explore and drill oil in SCS(east sea) now :partay:
  17. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    We dont ram ur ship, dont lie, u have No video clip to prove that. But its true that we r trying to destroy ur oil rig :pop: Many poor Chinese r Not happy coz the money used in conflict with VN should be use to buy cheaper food, better shelters or better protection from terrorism for them :pop...
  18. NiceGuy

    China sends more warships amid the tension with Vietnam

    We use anti-ship missile to sink ur warships. We dont need to use our own warships.:coffee:
  19. NiceGuy

    Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

    Yeah, with its economy going down badly, Chinese will be enslaved by JPese again. Dark and doom future for all main land Chinese :pop:
  20. NiceGuy

    How Chinese think about the current dispute with Vietnam

    Yeah, just like in 1979, China make trouble for VN just bcz u wanted to get support from US-JP to get rich, VN is doing exactly the same now. We dont need to destroy ur oil rig, we just need to prove to JP-US that we r Not communist brother with China, so we can receive support from JP-US to...
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