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  1. sicsheep

    US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

    Yeah, so you started calling everyone with a Chinese flag a "conscript reject"? You know we have a name for ppl like you in the States too. Exactly, How US GPS guided JDAM hit the Chinese Embassy could be an accident? Who ever shot up the Ambassador deserves the same punishment as the US pilot...
  2. sicsheep

    US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

    I know this, you start calling names when you can't win an argument, people stopped doing that when they turn 12. :rofl:
  3. sicsheep

    US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

    oh wait, you didn't call me a conscript reject lol. now that's something new.
  4. sicsheep

    US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

    Who gives a $hit now that US armed forces has killed more innocent civilians than any known terrorist organizations combined lol
  5. sicsheep

    from People's Daily

    I think we will be matching their every move in escalation from now on. In the end you do not go to war with the army you want, but the army you have.
  6. sicsheep

    Vietnam-ASEAN Relations

    Just watch out, Vietnam is gonna be the Greece of ASEAN soon lol:cheesy:
  7. sicsheep

    Vietnam-ASEAN Relations

    This is good, please quote more Philippine news papers. They are such experts on economy.
  8. sicsheep

    Chinese company that allegedly copied iPhone 5s design wants to sue Apple

    ALL viets are wanna be Chinese, nuff said:azn:
  9. sicsheep

    Ancient History: the first Sino-Vietnam War 40-43

    It's OK, according to his logic, Americans are currently ruled by black people. :blink:
  10. sicsheep

    Vietnam Marine Police (Coast Guard)

    Hmm, Ok, They said they turned away the foreign vessel, and it was backing up. Where is the video from Vietnam side shows something else happened?
  11. sicsheep

    Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

    I just want to list some facts here, it's for you guys to decide if India and China will do. As many Chinese will tell you, we do not hear about much hostility from India towards us in China. and I think here is why. India has a long history, but it only fought so few wars. one fought...
  12. sicsheep

    Switching Citizenship

    Why would want to paint a target on your back with that US passport lol? :undecided:
  13. sicsheep

    China Now Using a Cruise Ship to Haul Troops and Tanks

    Wait, the article said the ship is to transport troops trough a hostile battlefield? So it's not a show of desperation? :thinktank:
  14. sicsheep

    Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

    I hope research doesn't go too deep or hes gonna piss off some Koreans for sure. LOL :azn:
  15. sicsheep

    Japanese government agrees to buy the Senkakus as China rages and fumes!

    YAY! can't wait till they station some troops on the island! PLA could always use more budget!
  16. sicsheep

    Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

    HAHA noted! You know why no countries has taken side yet besides the US right?
  17. sicsheep

    Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

    We are all sitting here while waiting for it to happen!! Hahaha, you know one day Sino-Japanese relation is gonna ease, what will India do then?? huh?? :what:
  18. sicsheep

    Should India officially support Japan's sovereignty over the Senkakus?

    India should support Japan, not only that I think you should sign a defense treaty which includes Diaoyu Islands!!! GOGO INDIA!!! ;)
  19. sicsheep

    India and China moving towards closer relations

    LoL I completely agree with your analysis, except I have been telling the exact same thing to Americans.
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