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  1. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Dostum yanlış olabilir. Başka bir lehçe de olabilir. Aklımda böyle kalmış. Konuşulanı anlayamayabilirsin fakat yazılı olarak anlayamayacağın tek dil Yakutça olmalı. Biraz kastım fakat tamamen anlaşılmaz...
  2. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Güneydoğu ve Doğu Anadolu benim bahsettiğim. Bu bölgelerden herhangi birinin üstünde özerk bir yapı kuramazsınız, çünkü orada yaşayan milyonlarca Türk var. Özerklik ancak şehir bazında olabilir. Sanırım hükümet bunu istiyor. PKK ise tamamen...
  3. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Bize Putin gibi bir tiran gerekli değildir. Bize Lincoln, 1. Isabel gibi birleştirici önderler gereklidir. Bunlar yıllardır yazılıp çiziliyor, halkımızda insanların hakları olduğu bilinci yok, sadece gökten zembille inen bir demokrasi ve...
  4. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Ben bunu ekşisözlük'te okumuştum hocam. Bende sizin gibi düşünüyordum, lakin yazarla konuştuktan sonra anladım asıl durumu. Konuştuğum adam bunu barda Kazak bir kızdan duyduğunu ve kızın sarışın, afet bir...
  5. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    They are not "types" but whole different languages. Turkish, Azeri, Kazakh, Qırımtatarca, Kyrgyz etc. are all descendants of Proto-Turkic. They share common ancestor, but they are not same. Turkic languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    I have no idea about types you are talking about. Be more spesific please.
  7. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Actually, Turkish is way different than Urdu. Urdu is Indo-European, meanwhile Turkish is Altaic. The only thing two languages share is their vocabulary.
  8. mehmeTcc

    Turkish Discussion Thread

    Since Turkish is an agglunative language you probably will be in troubles to solve its basics. For example, in order to program in Java, C++ and other Object Oriented Programming Languages, first you have to learn the basics of what Object Oriented Programming is. If you want to say "They know...
  9. mehmeTcc

    Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam

    Before judging other people's matureness, you have to learn some proper English. Suppression he says. Bi bitmedi maduriyetiniz.
  10. mehmeTcc

    Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam

    All he had do was quoting Khayyam. I don't know, I did it for hundred times, probably I would be arrested too. Actually, they believe in that so hard. They always talk about secret agendas of West, like how they are trying to murder Muslims. In the meantime, they bomb cities and kill...
  11. mehmeTcc

    Erdoan to visit Gaza as Israel ties remain in deep freeze

    Sure, the people you called as secularists carries the legacy of the founders' of that republic. This became popular in Turkey, an eathquake happens, it is CEHAPE's fault. People rape themselves, CEHAPE is responsible for it. Kurds found a terror organization and it eventually become...
  12. mehmeTcc

    AK Party says ‘Turkish nation' will remain in constitution

    Leaders of the Kurdish Movement are mainly atheists, so your plan to unite them under Islam would fail eventually. @atatwolf i don't think you are worthy enough for an answer, sorry.
  13. mehmeTcc

    Why do people want Ottoman empire back?

    Every nation has its own stereotypes. Ours is interest toward Slavic women. For the record, Ottos are not the only ones who had been fought with Ruskies. In good old days, when Turkics were pimpin around the Great Steppes, Khazars, Kipchaks, Golden Horde and many more kicked Russian azz. Even...
  14. mehmeTcc

    AK Party says ‘Turkish nation' will remain in constitution

    Lol sucker, I even have Kurdish speakers in my family. Well, you've met with your long-waited half-Kurdish (actually in Mathematical sense its somewhere near %12.5) proud Turkish citizen.
  15. mehmeTcc

    Turkey calls for expansion of economic ties with Iran

    I wonder why, most of the guys claiming to be Azeris here can't speak a single goddamn Azeri word. Of course, our ancestors didn't call your words of wisdom as Acem Palavrası for no reason.
  16. mehmeTcc

    Why do people want Ottoman empire back?

    Even in its greatest extend, Ottomans were not able to help Muslims fighting with Portuguese. The Sword of Islam concept was a good thing, in 9th century. Now it is not feasible. Timur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That guy was a hardcore Muslim. Killed nearly 17 million Muslims. Selim...
  17. mehmeTcc

    Turkey calls for expansion of economic ties with Iran

    We buy your gas with higher prices moron. It is more profitable to export gas for Turkish markets rather than wasting it in domestic markets. Things are so fvcked up in Central Asia only because Russian and Persian personal egos. For the record, we always talk for our interests, if we really...
  18. mehmeTcc

    Indonesia-ACEs 'crescent and star' al flag

    Our poetry is Persian he says. Dude, if you will talk about how Persians influenced as, then these are the facts for you: 1-Most of the Persian influence is carried by Oghuzes. This is because most of them are Sogdians accepted Turkic language. 2- Yeah, you influenced Ottos. But that was...
  19. mehmeTcc

    Indonesia-ACEs 'crescent and star' al flag

    Yes, just like Turkic words Bey, Kagan, Tudun, Batur and just like Turkic suffixes -chi. Most amusingly, it carries -gAn suffix, which is pure Turkic. And for the record, the source you gave(aka wiki) also states that in the Kurgan Hypothesis article, Kurgan is a Turkic word for graveyard...
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