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  1. M

    Bangla migration to India largest in developing world

    Shias already do live in peace.The problem is you people have not reined in Darul-E-Deoband. Thats why sunnis are increasingly radicalising.
  2. M

    Bangla migration to India largest in developing world

    With this definition you will manage to alienate the sikhs,buddhists,christians ,bahais,parsis and sufis.
  3. M

    In this village, Hindus guard Muslims’ homes in Muzaffarnagar

    The sufis and the shia waqf board keeps working towards it ,but we don't have the resources.Plus the congress govt is on the saudi payroll ,so they allow full freedom to deoband to terrorise shia maulvis with death threats.Many have been injured too due to the Deoband menace. If these things...
  4. M

    In this village, Hindus guard Muslims’ homes in Muzaffarnagar

    I am sorry ,what do you mean?
  5. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    How about you overlook your ego? Are you seeing what is happening in every islamic nation. Such a level of coincidence occurs rarely , and only once in centuries. Close your eyes like a pigeon and say there is no cat in front of you .
  6. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Great economic cycles and war cycles are related. The breeding ground for Nazism was economic depression and extreme privation in Germany in the time preceding Hitler's rise to power. The 2nd World War followed on after The Great Depression etc. Someone recently produced a long-term war cycle...
  7. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Look at whats happening in the islamic world. There is a old proverb:- Whom the Gods seek to destroy,they drive them mad.' The kinds of fatwas being passed by mullahs today have never been passed in the past 700 years. The kind of schisms ,islam is undergoing and the civil wars on that basis...
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    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Yes.How about you look around yourself for once. And the prophecies of the sufi master have been right till now. He had warned me when Libya is attacked ,consider the end of islam near. Its already.Almost all islamic nations are in state of turmoil ,civil wars,unrest. Open your eyes. Even the...
  9. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Believe yourself, but my sufi master told that the 21st century will see the destruction of Islam . I am already witnessing all kinds of civil wars and disturbances in islamic world. So ,please now go.
  10. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    A marine was detained for 2 months for his facebook postings: Facebook Terrorism? Ex-Marine arrested, 9-11 conspiracy posts ruled 'terrorist in nature' | ComputerWorld This is a christian american citizen they are detaining.In event of a major war with islamic nations do you not understand...
  11. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Please go and read yourself .And yes ,I know it. You quoted the wrong quote of mine. And are you not seeing the sad state of islamic nations.We are not been superpowers or major powers today. If some of big powers decided to destroy we are defenseless against their WMD stockpiles.
  12. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Not funny. There are liquidation lists for potential hostiles being maintained since NDAA.And last time when depression and world war , the german and japanese citizens of usa were locked away in camps. You should keep your mouth in control as USA is in depression already and Allah(swt) knows...
  13. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Excellent response. We don't need outsiders to add fuel to the fire. We need water to douse it. ??? What are you talking about?
  14. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Instead of insulting others,how about you people try to build bridges with other communities?
  15. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    You do know that DHS does maintain databases for potential extremist threats. Have you read the legislation of the NDAA?
  16. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (1500 years, i.e. around 70 years left) Sh. Hamza Yusuf discusses on this hadith at the 2 hour and 6 minutes mark (2:07:00) in this video (a great video by the way): Hamza Yusuf – The Antichrist (Dajjal) and The New World Order | Halal Tube “Question: Imam Mahdi...
  17. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    What a shame.You enjoy hate? Not a wonder you wallow in such ignorance,darkness and hate.You and bronxbull deserve each other. Enjoy your trolling.
  18. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Bahais are among the least hated and they are nothing but innovation of shia sufi masters who were killed by emperors and their ulema who feared their popularity in Iran. I know very well .Bahais get along well with christians in North America . Islam is increasingly becoming hated across the...
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    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    @bronxbull,I know you hate us because of what happened to your family.But how about you stop feeding these trolls ? They will only aggravate your hate.
  20. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Yes, because my family lives in Lucknow and they will sell their property. There have been talks about migrating to Canada,but then I say we should change our religion to Bahai ,because we don't want to be hunted by fundamentalist christians,salafis or anti-muslim neo-nazis who have no...
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