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  1. R

    IDP camps being restricted to the NWFP?

    haha wat is ur point he was called that because of his belief in peaceful protest and since when is being associated with gandhi a bad thing he was a man of peace so dont just blindly judge. It is extremely insulting for any pakhtoon to have Bacha Khan insulted but thats not important please do...
  2. R

    '1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes'

    18 dead in 8 years compared to 1400 in 22 days as mentally challenged as u seem to be u decide if thats proportionate :enjoy:
  3. R

    IDP camps being restricted to the NWFP?

    i suggest u research bacha khan and then decide what he was. the people of swat have completely thrown thier suppourt behind the army so i dont know where u think these sentiments are coming from and people all over pakistan have donated so theres been no reason from anti pakistan sentiment...
  4. R

    IDP camps being restricted to the NWFP?

    can u provide a link for that please its quite interesting because from what ive read he always wanted to join balochistan and NWFP to afghanistan. He was always ready for talks though and wanted to resolve disputes through diplomacy with the pakistani state. He wasnt anti pakistan or anti...
  5. R

    Pak will give up nukes, when India does,too: Haqqani

    yar this is only said to show that pakistan is willing for peace the ambassador knows very well that they will never give them up he is just trying to show that its not that big of a deal and it can be phased out
  6. R

    '1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes'

    under ur theory america should be given back to the indians and australia given back to the aboriginals. You can even justify Israels existance
  7. R

    '1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes'

    no brother not only those but the whole spineless arab world is responsible they have the power to rule the world but are like dogs waiting for any instructions by their masters
  8. R

    IDP camps being restricted to the NWFP?

    i think you have to also consider that joining pakistan meant moving away from their ancestrol motherland which was afghanistan and it meant that pashtuns would be divided between two lands this was unacceptable for some one who was a leader for pashtuns both afghan and pakistani but one thing u...
  9. R

    The scenario of next india-pakistan war :

    hes not bengali hes obviously an indian and hes not the first indian that has been banned
  10. R

    Makes one wonder

    haha a bit blunt but the taliban although they look like apes are actually very politically intelligent, alot of the districts they took over was by coming in and listening to the people demands and fulfilling them and when the people brang them into power that is when they imposed their will on...
  11. R

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    ur arguement is flawed to begin with so believe me countering it isnt my problem its ur flaming and also humour doesnt seem to be ur god given talent so stop trying to be sarcastic/funny if u wanna say our country is worse than an NGO than my point was to show u to have a good long look...
  12. R

    Makes one wonder

    the only point i want to raise is that although army was successful at that time the people had a lot of sympathy for the taliban at that time it was all over the news and people were openly praising them and then when the horrors began and the fighting escalated alot there was a lot of loss of...
  13. R

    Why India, Pakistan and China cannot live like Europe?

    the youth holds the key and as long as the aim is not discarded as naive it is very possible we are fighting like dogs but why, we have more in common than not we are suffering from the same problems and our leaders dont give a **** we the youth have to spread the message so that the lives of...
  14. R

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    first of all cut the flaming if we want to dick measure id let u no how well the living standards in your country are and how ur superpower country cannot dare take any action against a poor beggar nation as u put it, as 10 boys ravaged ur shining india but lets not get into that because its...
  15. R

    I am a Pakhtoon!

    exactly we should take pride in our diversity and that all these different people are the same because they are all pakistani that is what unites us we are pakistani first and then whatever u want to be
  16. R

    The state that wouldn't fail

    i am not against sharia but u should know that true islamic law is a form of socialism and democracy, it holds people responsible for their actions, it gives power to the people and it encourages education and welfare of the people so while the west is following all this would u rather have...
  17. R

    The state that wouldn't fail

    i disagree i think in a country like pakistan religion should be kept completely out of politics obviously our culture and religion do intertwine so there will be some influence but largely keep it out no country has an Islamic system and i dont think we are capable of properly implementing it...
  18. R

    Iran test fires missile capable of reaching US bases or Israel

    israel is desperate to drag US into it and US knows it cant take on iran hence the diplomacy from US towards Iran
  19. R

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    let me answer ur questions brother 1 pakhtoons or pashtun is what pashtun say among themselves as pathan was something the british called us but now people who dont speak pashtu just say pathan it is really all the same and doesnt really matter 2 there has been alot of confusion over where...
  20. R

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Deaths in Peshawar car bomb blast At least five people have been killed in a car bomb attack near the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar. Police said that the car exploded outside a cinema on a busy road in the city on Friday. Al Jazeera understands that five people were killed in the...
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