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  1. Rocky25

    Canada turns page, wants to sell nuclear reactors to India

    Kindly provide links for your argument! Between why can't we be the first in anything (on the bold part)? Why cannot afford that achievement? Till India generate the first MW of electricity, It is still primitive!
  2. Rocky25

    Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

    ha ha ha... very good debate... @mods why are you allowing these one liners? Anyways, Let me give you some assignment to read! "Since 1947, Pakistan has devoted a considerable portion of its national resources to balancing India, leading Ayesha Jalal to describe Pakistan's political...
  3. Rocky25

    Will India ever mount an operation to capture Dawood Ibrahim?

    I am a person who does things right first time itself, So I need not do that! I cannot debate with a self proclaimed genius! So let me stop here. My final argument in this thread FYI Pakistan cannot win a conventional war with India... now or atleast in the foreseeable future... So they...
  4. Rocky25

    Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

    I am sorry, I value Indian Soldiers life more... It is more precious than the life of a terrorists... Ha ha ha....No one is looking for Pakistani friendship! Let India concentrate on the economy, everything will fall in place!
  5. Rocky25

    Pakistan, Russia agree to boost defence cooperation

    Reg the bold part I hope Russia does NOT need a port... Where as Money.... Hard cash! Which Pakistan does NOT have!
  6. Rocky25

    RFP for $11.8-billion Indian Navy submarine project soon

    Scorpene or Amur, Please do the trails quickly and dont drag it like the MMRCA!
  7. Rocky25

    Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

    Hum reg the underlined part, We are seeing the Ambush in Indian side of LOC and beheading happening on India side...Not the other way around! The spiness Congress leaders ruined the nation for many decades... Still we support them!
  8. Rocky25

    Canada turns page, wants to sell nuclear reactors to India

    Buddy... When I was in schools, My father used to ask why the marks was so low.... I used to say so many reasons.... almost all of the reasons were invented by me, like, there are too many out of portion question, they teacher had corrected so strictly! etc, etc, He used to ask... only one...
  9. Rocky25

    India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

    You know that people are NOT complaining? How is it so?
  10. Rocky25

    Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

    Buddy, The problem is it is from Pakistan the terrorists infiltrate into India.... Not the other way around. India is okay with the status quo. Where as Pakistan isn't. I will also be happy if all Pakistanis think like you, but alas there are some thinktank like RazPAK who think exactly opposite.
  11. Rocky25

    Will India ever mount an operation to capture Dawood Ibrahim?

    Ha ha ha... where? Care to explain? Like the same way where Pakistan accuse India of Terrorism in Pakistan still it is waiting for the right time to provide the proofs!
  12. Rocky25

    Indian Bollywood mocks Tamil struggle in "Madras Cafe". Chola Revival!

    Yeah terrorism was a mistake for sure, You did not understand what I meant.... I mean let SriLanka be a prosperous country... like Singapore... Both are located in similar location.. So is the comparision.... you will have similar opportunities. Too much blood spilled!
  13. Rocky25

    Pak aiming to rake up Kashmir issue, experts warn

    ABSOLUTELY NOT... Sooner or Later, India should tackle this menace... Else the situation will become like that of 1990's! Once the Taliban get free, they will divert to Kashmir! Kashmir is still fresh in Pakistani's minds!
  14. Rocky25

    *MOST EXCLUSIVE: Held in HP, a spy who ‘triple crossed’

    So what's your take on the Dravidians?
  15. Rocky25

    Indian Bollywood mocks Tamil struggle in "Madras Cafe". Chola Revival!

    Yeah these jokers gave a nigh mare for you for 30 long years which you will never ever forget! Anyway I am not a supporter of terrorism, Let peace prevail and let SL become Singapore of south Asia!
  16. Rocky25

    Canada turns page, wants to sell nuclear reactors to India

    Nope, It is in primitive stages....Indian nuke industry needs lot of research and imports. India's has large reserves of Thorium, Bit not cutting edge Thorium related technology!
  17. Rocky25

    India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

    I very well know that not 100% of the Indian defect budget goes into buying the new equipment's, It is you who is posting the nonsense... I am comparing Indian defence budget as a whole Vs Sum of Defense Budget as a whole of the rest of the three countries. At present circumstance does it come...
  18. Rocky25

    Will India ever mount an operation to capture Dawood Ibrahim?

    :-) Which I provided crystal clear! Simply fire a missile which India does not have in its Arsenal! Sorry India should really learn from Israel on this!
  19. Rocky25

    India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

    Ha ha ha... Atrocities in India will reach the news and in the coming months Congress will be taught a lesson by the people of India... And let rupee reach its new lows... but 2014 will be a dynamic year for India!
  20. Rocky25

    India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

    I agree, but this is NOT possible in overnight! DRDO and HAL disappointed... So Privatization is the way forward!
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