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  1. TheThreePashas

    India Mulls Stationing of Ground Forces in Afghanistan

    I missed the previous 8 pages of most likely flame but I'll weigh in anyways.. I think India having troops in Afghanistan would be spectacular in terms of regional cooperation IF pakistan was okay with it (Which they won't be) India vs Pakistan playing out in Afgh. would be horrible so I think...
  2. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    I don't think it will happen but I'm asking what it would take. It seems like even if we had video footage of Syrian tank shells missing their target and hitting Turkish towns, it seems like everyone just turns to Ankara and complains rather than support limited retaliation.
  3. TheThreePashas

    Gaziantep Patriot Batteries

    If they are infact stationed in Gaziantep then they are to protect Gaziantep. Even if they're there to protect Incirlik it doesn't mean that NATO allies are going to idiotically stare at the radar and watch a missile hit very close to them and strike the city. Don't fall into conspiracy...
  4. TheThreePashas

    RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

    Actually, I think he has somewhat of a point although the examples are on widely different scales. A lot of people in Germany were concentrated on the economic recovery and German pride once again being boosted. They turned an eye to the horrors of Nazism. Similarly people are ignoring Islamism...
  5. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    Not a huge problem. It'll cause a short term shock but I'm sure the Saudi's would be happy to have us solve their sectarian stand-off in exchange for some black gold. Back to Syria, guys. Question out here for my fellow Turks. What, in your opinions, would make the Turkish public in favor of...
  6. TheThreePashas

    Gaziantep Patriot Batteries

    Oh and I completely agree with you on that, we're arguing different aspects of the same thing. Erdoğan (and me, i guess) are banking on chemical attacks NOT happening. So he's trying to avoid the "unnecessary" domestic problem because he doesn't think the attacks will happen. It's a risky...
  7. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    But the part I'm talking about specifically was a walk in the park. I'm only talking about hypothetically destroying the Syrian Arab Army. The United States wiped out Iraq's army in a short matter of time. And I'd venture to say that the effect of the embargos on Saddam's Iraq and the civil war...
  8. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    I agree, that's what would happen between Iran and Turkey and that's exactly why, as you're saying it yourself it would not be in Iran's interests, I don't think Iran would attack Turkey if Turkey made the mistake of invading Syria. But seriously, if Iran did decide to attack Turkey how would...
  9. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    Now please, any Turk or Iranian don't start please but I'm going to ask this question very seriously to resurgentiran. A) Would Iran actually, political and military considerations included, attack Turkey? B) What theaters would this play out in, in your opinion? Missile strikes only or would...
  10. TheThreePashas

    Gaziantep Patriot Batteries

    Moronic? Excuse your language. But anyways. My point isn't that "Oh look how cool we Turks are, we're not afraid so it's not a problem." That's actually is a flaw in Turkey, I think we need to be a little more afraid of certain things so we're more prepared, but regardless.. What I'm trying to...
  11. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    I agree with what you're saying about having a target, this is as much the case in Syria not being able to wipe out the FSA as Turkey's problems with the PKK are. Insurgents don't fight out in the open and again, I agree. But comeon, if Turkey ACTUALLY put their military might in full force we...
  12. TheThreePashas

    Step By Step How Roketsan Makes Cirit & ALTAY Armor

    Do they have a Do-It-Yourself at home version of the procedure? xD
  13. TheThreePashas

    The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

    Erdoğan didnt miscalculate what would happen in Syria, but in Turkey. He expected the people's support and while Turkey has the power to do whatever it wants in Syria, the people aren't going to throw their weight behind the government and it would be a political disaster
  14. TheThreePashas

    Gaziantep Patriot Batteries

    Not to sound offensive or anything but I can't believe this is even being discussed. Israel distributes gas masks in order to gain political support and create a crisis environment. When have you ever seen Turks afraid that some idiot Arab dictator is going to kill them in the masses?
  15. TheThreePashas

    Pakistani-Turkish-Saudi Air Force Exercise "Peace Hawks 1"

    Well they're stable NOW. But since they have an obsolete form of government, any kind of popular democratic uprising in saudi arabia would leave Turkey in an awkward situation with its pants down. Supporting the government would be tough politically.
  16. TheThreePashas

    Game Changing Russian S-300 Missiles already in Syria.

    if this is true, then forget Turkey conducting any limited airstrikes as retaliation for anything. Those syrians don't have the balls to shoot at Israel but they will certainly do their best against our F-16s. I guess we can always use standoff munitions too :/
  17. TheThreePashas

    Pakistani-Turkish-Saudi Air Force Exercise "Peace Hawks 1"

    Yes but nobody will be selling them planes at the caliber of TFX. Remember, the west makes sure Israel keeps its qualitative military edge. Also, we must be careful entering into strategic alliances/projects. Many countries in our region like Egypt and maybe Saudi Arabia later on, aren't...
  18. TheThreePashas

    How fast is Turkish Military Industry growing?

    It will be a long time before Turkey can match or outdo Russia simply because of their large portfolio of previous projects. They go to make a helicopter and they can pull out the plans for older models. We have to start from scratch, it's that simple. What Turkey needs to do is what Israel...
  19. TheThreePashas

    Pakistani-Turkish-Saudi Air Force Exercise "Peace Hawks 1"

    Just Pakistan and maybe another country. We can't be arming our neighborhood to the teeth if we want to be a regional power. I would say Azerbaijan but I doubt they would order enough birds to make this worth while
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