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  1. TheThreePashas


    You do realize English is my first language. Don't teach me how to speak it.
  2. TheThreePashas


    Don't compare the Nato-Turkey and Russia-Armenian relationship. Armenia is a protectorate, not an ally.
  3. TheThreePashas


    He's saying more able-bodied (younger) Turks wouldn't let Germans harm other Turks. I'm sure you can sympathize with that?
  4. TheThreePashas


    I wish Germany was a weak country that we could just drone strike whenever they did this. Idiots.
  5. TheThreePashas

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    no no, i know they're not making a high tech rail. I'm saying if that was the project then each country would just do its own part to connect the rail. Yeah that's what i thought about Liras. Only certain highly exchanged currencies are really useful for global trade.
  6. TheThreePashas

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    Yeah that's what I was saying too. That's what I thought. Well not that we're transferring goods without benefits but let's say they were building a super high tech rail system between the countries, for example, all that would have to happen is that the rails connect at the border. Not...
  7. TheThreePashas

    NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds

    NATO doesn't need to say anything. I think it's pretty obvious Assad is winning. Russia is just strengthening his hand with weapons a little bit more before this apparent peace conference. The idea is that Assad has the high ground and by putting the opposition in such a tough spot, make them...
  8. TheThreePashas

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    so it affects the flow of currency because of the banking system being frozen out but there's no harm in cooperation that doesn't require direct transfer, right?
  9. TheThreePashas

    Lebanon to take airspace violations to UN

    If there was no Hezbullah then Lebanon would be a stable state who could get on their feet, have a functioning military, and good relations with israel = no threat of war. Hezbullah is only working against the interest of the Lebanese people
  10. TheThreePashas

    President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

    The sanctions against Iran aren't necessarily all inclusive. You guys probably know more about them but some sectors aren't targeted right? I mean, probably affected as a secondary effect but not directly.
  11. TheThreePashas

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    I think Egypt needs to just remind these countries who they're dealing with. Just go in and blow the place to shreds Egypt, no one will lift a finger to help Sudan or Ethiopia.
  12. TheThreePashas

    F-16s Step Up For Tardy F-35

    You can improve on the reliability of such systems. Radar-absorbing paint requires heavy maintenance and those planes are only invisible in "ideal conditions". They can improve on what conditions are ideal. What you're saying is that we never should have developed airplanes more since they were...
  13. TheThreePashas

    Saudi Arabia shows interest to buy ANKA and ALTAY

    Buy from the Chinese. I don't want to see our weapons killing Shiites in Bahrain
  14. TheThreePashas

    European Nations End Weapons Embargo, Creating Path to Arming Syrian Rebels

    The GCC is a joke. As much as I, as a Turk, am against the whole Assad-Iran-(Shiites) alliance, you guys are right about the gulf arabs. I don't care how much money or oil they have. The west just lets them be and spend all their money on western arms because they don't want to lift their...
  15. TheThreePashas

    EU says Turkey must do more

    Exactly. The two groups are in different camps. Europe has had it's time and it's trying to preserve it's power. Turkey has yet to peak and is trying to grow, grow, grow. Hanging out with ageing, faltering countries can only hinder Turkey in the long-term, no matter how much it may help in the...
  16. TheThreePashas

    IDEF 2013-Turkey: TAI reveals fifth generation fighter designs

    Also, I highly doubt that we're trying to make the "jump" alone. Unlike you losers, we can concentrate on certain parts of the airplane such as the airframe, stealth features, etc.. and buy subsystems from our friends who know that Turkey is a stable partner. You know, we have allies. Ever hear...
  17. TheThreePashas

    EU says Turkey must do more

    Turkey should just negotiate to have lesser but similar economic deals with Europe and that's it. As a Turk I'd be ashamed to see Turkey stand side by side with the people we instilled fear in for centuries. It's pathetic that we look like a country whining that they won't be friends with us too
  18. TheThreePashas

    Saudi Arabia shows interest to buy ANKA and ALTAY

    I hope they don't transfer all the technology though. It's not fair that since we're a "brother" country (not true) that we'd give them everything and never get a repeat customer whereas they're happy to drop billions in european pockets without even having the guts to ask for tech transfer.
  19. TheThreePashas

    Saudi Arabia to buy Altay MBTs.

    Good news for us Turks : HURRIYETDAILYNEWS| Syria war may bring Saudi deal for Altay (I don't have a high enough post count to link articles, if someone would please do so for reference)
  20. TheThreePashas

    Defense cooperation agreement between Turkey and Saudi Arabia

    [How do you delete posts on here?]
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