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  1. Nomad

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    Show what evidence you have to the people. It will be stronger than the UN. Dubai showed a bunch of people walking around, how many people believed that Israel was not involved? By the way i believe that Mahmoud al-Mabhouh got what he deserved. "Little knowledge is dangerous". I am...
  2. Nomad

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    What is the use of providing evidence to states that do nothing about it? Did Dubai provide any evidence to anyone on the recent (so called ) assassins? All I saw was a bunch of people walking in and out of hotels and talking to each other. They may have had fake passports then charge...
  3. Nomad

    Indian Origin Material Used in IEDs Found In South Waziristan

    Improvised Explosive devices are bombs made with available material. Bombs made by countries are not called IED's. Polypropylene, Polyethelene are derivatives of crude oil fracking that has plenty of industrial applications. Exploding is not one of them!!! Finding five bags of Polypropylene...
  4. Nomad

    Terrible experience in US security checks(Boston Logan)

    I am sorry you had such a bad experience at the airport. Unfortunately these are times we live in. I have been wanded and my luggage searched many a time. If I can give you guys a tip from a fellow traveler. 1) Follow all reasonable request by the officer. Everyone here is blaming the TSA...
  5. Nomad

    PM Singh Interview with Fareed Zakaria CNN

    Dude I don't know you.... I don't care if you are Muslim, agnostic, atheist, believe in the moon god or the sun god. So your belief system means nothing to me, and mine should not be to you either. It is not just being at CNN, he would not have been there or anywhere if he had even a pro...
  6. Nomad

    PM Singh Interview with Fareed Zakaria CNN

    The was a recent survey which a majority of Pakistanis identified themselves as Muslims first and Pakistani's second. Maybe you should give Fareed the benefit of doubt. He did not get to where he is in the white man's world by kow towing for the GOI, or for matter the Muslim cause, or the Umah...
  7. Nomad

    Is It USA? Behind Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan

    I don't even know where to begin...... but here goes Where else was it "grown"? Let me help you ......Los Angeles, Mumbai, Washington DC, Beijing..... any evidence? What personal interests? To be their driver, gardener, errand boys, bodyguards? Political interest....absolutely. When the...
  8. Nomad

    ISI Chief confronts CIA counterpart with evidence....!!!

    Give the proof to the whole world so everyone can judge the nefarious activities of RAW. Let the community of nations be the judge. Provide it to the UN, do something other than rant about RAW's activities. The WOT is gutting your country the longer it continues the more your country gets...
  9. Nomad

    U.S.-China joint statement mentions India - Pakistan ties

    Before people start freaking out.....think. If China is going to play a role, who can they dictate terms to....Pakistan or India?. To make it even more clear who can China dictate terms to .... North or South Korea? The bottom line is the US Govt. would like China to exert more control over...
  10. Nomad

    Taliban blow up girls' school in Pakistan: officials

    I thank God every day that my daughters are citizens of the US of A. If there was any country on earth I would want my daughters to be born, there is nothing like the USA. For all its faults there is no better country to have a girl child. To get back on topic " These bastards will blow...
  11. Nomad

    Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan Fell 53.2% in Four Months

    Let me explain it to you simply....you are sitting in some place in this world. You have $100,000 (you can add as many zeroes to this number) to invest in whatever you choose, but realize, once the money is gone its gone for ever. What are the top five places you would choose? Is Pakistan in...
  12. Nomad

    Top Arab TTP Planner captured in Punjab

    You are right that the center of power in KSA is the house of Saud with the support of the Salafi clerics. The are conservatives, moderates, and a few liberals (though they may not admit it) in both groups. Destabilizing the house of Saud will be a disaster for the US as the Salafi clerics may...
  13. Nomad

    India provides money, targets to terrorists in Pak: Terrorist claims on video

    Many members on this forum have said there is adequate proof with ISI, PA, and GOP of Indian involvement in S Waziristan, and Indian funding for the TTP. When asked for proof, the standard reply has been "The GOP is being prevented by the US in giving the proof". Apparently with this terrorist...
  14. Nomad

    Will the militancy in pakistan end after Waziristan operation???

    These people want to turn Pakistan into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban. What Educational and Commercial ventures? These people are blowing up shops because they don't like whats being sold, the blow up schools because they don't like what or who is being taught. You can give all kinds...
  15. Nomad

    Will the militancy in pakistan end after Waziristan operation???

    What does Kashmir and Palestine have to do with what is going on in S. Waziristan? Is PA fighting Kasmiris and Palestinians? Going by your logic this war will never end.
  16. Nomad

    Will the militancy in pakistan end after Waziristan operation???

    Even after the Waziristan Ops militancy will not end. That is because both the dictators and elected politicians of Pakistan let them build those facilities over a period of over two decades.
  17. Nomad

    Feeding Pakistan's hungry

    Why does not India extend a hand of friendship in the form of help? These little gestures can break down walls. Why do a majority of us in this forum try to crucify (and flame) each other? If India made little gestures of feeding (or even offering to feed) the internally displaced citizens of...
  18. Nomad

    Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) and suicide bombings

    Your theory sound very similar to Winston Smith and his theory on mind control and suicide bombings. Maybe you guys should get together and form a "mind control think tank" to discuss ways the CIA and Mossad are controlling suicide bombers.
  19. Nomad

    China Interfere's in other countries Affairs?

    Even my reply is late,the USA is not and will never wage a "Judeo-Chrisitian-Muslim" war as there is no longer a Judeo- Christian country. When you talked about Kosovo and Iraq, the only thing I said was a (Judeo christian) but secular country. This is how I describe the US today and will do so...
  20. Nomad

    Police recover 60,000 kgs of explosives, 6 held

    With the current security situation in Pakistan the action of this company was grossly negligent bordering on criminal. Why would they send the detonators and blaster caps together with the explosives? If the shipment was hijacked the terrorist would have all the ingredients in one spot. Why did...
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