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  1. jupiter2007

    How 5 Countries could become 14

    ME pretty much has the same culture and language. They were divided by British. Just look at the map of ME from 150 years ago.
  2. jupiter2007

    Russia agrees to provide Mi-35 helicopters to Pakistan, extends invite for upcoming SCO conference

    These Mi 35 helicopters are going to be used by Pakistan Anti Narcotics Force.
  3. jupiter2007

    How 5 Countries could become 14

    How ironic? You are claiming to be from Afghanistan which has so many different ethnic groups and religious/sects. Shouldn't Afghanistan be divided into 5 countries?
  4. jupiter2007

    How 5 Countries could become 14

    All ME should be united.
  5. jupiter2007

    Russia would do nothing detrimental to India

    Pakistan hasn't purchase anything other than MI-17s from Russian. Russia has always given mix signals to Pakistan and at the end refuse to sell anything due to Indian lobbing.
  6. jupiter2007

    Why is Russia lifting embargo on military supplies to Pakistan?

    It's not going to make a whole lot of difference for Pakistan. Russians are only willing to sell weapons to be used by Pakistan Anti Narcotics Forces (ANF). 12-18 Mi28/Mi35 are going to be used by ANF, not by Pakistani Army. Russian hasn't agreed to sell any SAMs system.
  7. jupiter2007

    Karakoram province or Gilgit-Baltistan

    Ignore the above map - it may not be functional. I have created may different maps. Please look at the one below.
  8. jupiter2007

    J11b Pakistan future Navy jet fighter

    look awesome
  9. jupiter2007

    Military op not a good option?

    HAIDER and SUR, thanks for sharing you concerns. Crimes and terrorist activities increased ten fold in Pakistan in last 10 year. In my humble opinion, Pakistan police should have special forces for Urban Warfare & and special Squad team. Here is the list of Top 10 Most Corrupt Police Forces...
  10. jupiter2007

    200 mosques restored in Indian Punjab by Sikh and Hindu communities

    Islam is the oldest religion in the world.
  11. jupiter2007

    Defence talks with Saudi Arabia begin

    I don't expect more from Saudi's, maybe they will take Nawaz Sharif back after his government fail in 2014.
  12. jupiter2007

    J11b Pakistan future Navy jet fighter

    "Since last 15 years Indians have been threatening Pakistan on internet from MMRCA." I am not sure when MMRCA will be inducted but as for as Pakistan is concerned, Jf-17 block2 already in production. Jf-17 block2 will have improved frame (possibly more composite material though NOT confirmed)...
  13. jupiter2007

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    What about the 30 Italian F-16s out of lease return to USA?
  14. jupiter2007

    hypocricy of parties on formation of new provinces

    Here is the suggestion for Sindh.
  15. jupiter2007

    Open Debate l Ex-UAE Mirage 2000-9s for PAF, aye or nay ?

    Yes, I agree there are some major concerns even if UAE can sell those on the dirt cheap price. 1) Does PAF want these? 2) Money - Pakistan is broke, can Pakistan afford these? 3) Spares?? Will France provide the spares? specially during any conflict with India? 4) upgrade/maintenance cost...
  16. jupiter2007

    Open Debate l Ex-UAE Mirage 2000-9s for PAF, aye or nay ?

    I would rather have FC-20/J-11 than M09. Pakistan already has 50 Jf-17. Pakistan need to increase the JF-17 block 2 production from 10 planes to 25 planes per year.
  17. jupiter2007

    Pakistan 'must be taught a lesson' with another war | Uddhav Thackeray.

    India doesn't need to do it. Pakistani corrupt politicians are already destroying Pakistan.
  18. jupiter2007

    New high tech CROCODILE Midget Submarine - Class 250 for Chilean navy

    New high tech submarine for Chilean navy High tech Sub for special/coastal operations fully designed in Chile, very stealth,It will be a complement for the oceanic AIP submarines projected to be in service in 2015. As usual : neighbors beware ! Read more at Pakistan...
  19. jupiter2007

    36 aircrafts and 7 Helicopters for BD Armed forces

    Pakistan is going to sell A-5C and older F-7. BD should buy them.
  20. jupiter2007

    Turkish Missile Programs

    IDEX 2013: Turkish fırm sells $ 196 million worth of rockets to UAE? http://www.ajanspress.com.tr/Viewer/Press/NewsViewer.aspx?t=Nzg5NQ%3D%3D&r=MQ%3D%3D&id=MjA5OTE0ODM%3D&all=MjU0MTk%3D&b=Nzg1NjAz&s=MjU0MTk%3D&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 How good are these compare to Chinese rockets...
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