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  1. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    what do you mean all the wannabe rich want to live there, is it only for rich people? in the future I am looking to live there so can I ask what is the average house price there? I know of the Sapa too but it is in the North so I don't want to go there and also I read that it is tourist...
  2. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    yes and 'Made in Japan' also use to have a stigma attached to it, Hyundai was also known for it's low income target segment in the beginning, you have to start from somewhere first entering the market and gradually increasing market share and capital accumulation then later on when you have...
  3. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    Vietnamese members! let me ask you some questions about your country, is there any areas in Vietnam that have all year round cool weather, I have heard about Da Lat but is there anywhere else? also is Da Lat developed or still very much rural, is there many tourist or foreigner devils there?
  4. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    what BS? everything I post is true, if you want source just ask and I will give them to you, it's not my fault I have to wait to 30 posts to put in links and what is wrong with Juche? in case you hadn't noticed I have the DPRK's flag up, Vietnam needs import substitution policies in place so...
  5. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    before I saw your post I already knew what you were going to say, Viets are too predictable, the supposed advantages of FDI over debt capital include technology and know how spill over, better productivity and scale and therefore better tax collection, according to those articles you Viets have...
  6. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    do you know the 2 border provinces of Lao Cai and Yunnan, I read that many Chinese men like to make day trips across the border to experience the 'sights' and 'services' Vietnam has to offer, what a shame the Chinese only know Vietnam for one thing... I read about this in a book in case anyone...
  7. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    vietnamnewstoday.com/nd5/detail/business-banking-insurance/foreign-firms-reject-taxevasion-charges/1225.004004.html dtinews.vn/en/news/018/29009/vietnam-to-tackle-tax-evasion-problem-in-fdi-companies.html...
  8. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    that's nice pictures, what's the occupancy rate of Bitexco?
  9. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    do Viets on PDF actually think TPP is a good idea like Viets on other forums or is it just another tool to enslave VN? do you guys miss the feeling of being subjugated or something?
  10. yue10

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    the service sector is the tertiary phase in economic progression after the industrial phase, i.e low cost advantaged manufacturing, service related industries account for nearly 70% of US GDP all I see is a modern day slave country
  11. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    like I said many times Viets have no shame, the Viet parents treat their daughters like expendables to be married off to the highest bidder because of a highly patriarchal society, it is a really sickening country, at odds might I add to Baiyue people who were much less strict on gender roles...
  12. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    we do you reject your fellow Viet? not Cham, 100% Viet blood with superior Southern accent yes and he was taken as tribute when he was a boy so whatever skills and knowledge he acquired he acquired them from the Chinese in China is this true? because I am going to use this on different forum...
  13. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I don't know anything really, I just know enough to troll Viets LOL
  14. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    why do you keep using we? for the first wave of Ming loyalists you were too busy fighting amongst yourselves so you should be building altars and worshipping them or something because if it wasn't for them and Mac Cuu you people wouldn't have possession of the bustling region now, we all know...
  15. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    maybe UNESCO also believes that the beauty of Ha Long Bay is the result of dragons 'spitting out jade and jewels' unfortunately for Vietnam this scholar does not believe in fairy tales www_academia.edu/3554295/The_Biography_of_the_H_ng_Bang_Clan_as_a_Medieval_Vietnamese_Invented_Tradition I'm...
  16. yue10

    China Only BRIC Country Currently Worthy of the Title -O’Neill

    why so much obsession with numbers? the whole point of economic growth is to raise people's standard of living, what was the point of the investment boom in building ghost cities and residential properties all for the sake of numbers, houses are for people to live in not for greedy speculators...
  17. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    ok, let's say I am an overseas born Asian, what's so bad about my English except for not using full stops and capitalisation? also where did I troll? I will admit that maybe I used aggressive language but did I make anything up for you to say I am trolling? not sure but might be...
  18. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    all I know is my surname is Nguyen and I'm not Hoa so it's up to you
  19. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    ^ would you believe me if I said I was overseas born Vietnamese?
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