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  1. epsilon

    Russia needs missile defense system in Latin American states

    yepp mate... roger personally i dnt want such a **** system. In order to counter Eastern European airstrips of USA targeting Russia, there is a need so
  2. epsilon

    China denies preparing war over South China Sea shoal

    definitely no so. I am telling my view. any wrong in it ,pls ignore im sorry
  3. epsilon

    Prepare for Cyber-War?

    true every country has its own pool of cyber-army
  4. epsilon

    Russia needs missile defense system in Latin American states

    wats ur view?
  5. epsilon

    China denies preparing war over South China Sea shoal

    partially correct. not exactly, support means not unanimously :) within International laws
  6. epsilon

    China denies preparing war over South China Sea shoal

    PRC navy is making drills at a war-pace to show its mightyness in the South China Sea , thus threatening PH, VN and other far East Asian counterparts
  7. epsilon

    Israel "an Insect Challenging Iranian Nation"

    Israel and Iran are like Austria and Serbia of WW I.
  8. epsilon

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    Comrades gather together. But there is no true communism with both of them. :sniper:
  9. epsilon

    China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

    Begging to mistreat?? no buddy they deserve to be patriotic. Ur completely missing something.
  10. epsilon

    Arms race between China and India? - Interview by Yekaterina Kudashkina

    Dont know with what ww3 will be fought. But ww4 will be fought wit stone and sticks - Albert Einstein
  11. epsilon

    Ghaznavi Missile Tested

    Speed of this missile as per pak??
  12. epsilon

    While We Sleep The Chinese Prepare For War

    Not exactly . Tat was a symbol of mutual understanding. Mao hated USSR like "Spider". During the 1962 war, both US and USSR wanted to display their Militiary might in the Asian region. 1962 and now its completely different scenario
  13. epsilon

    Romney says ‘prepare for war’ against Iran

    Oh ho no not again war in the name of "war against terrorism".. **** off
  14. epsilon

    Prepare for Cyber-War?

    The whole world fears china for its Cyber army, It is much wise and brilliant as it could get access to almost 40 countries governmental and military computers. // High Impact of Reverse Engineering (Theft) //
  15. epsilon

    Prepare for war

    I guess Bush retired??? again war nope :)
  16. epsilon

    Israel "an Insect Challenging Iranian Nation"

    Insects sometimes cause many problems. Mosquito is an Insect, it causes even death by spreading malaria :) :pdf:
  17. epsilon

    Arms race between China and India? - Interview by Yekaterina Kudashkina

    Its not seriously in an arms race, its virtually in an arms race with PRC
  18. epsilon

    Putin to visit China after skipping US

    yepp mate:china:
  19. epsilon

    Hillary’s bad trip to India

    I agree wit ur fact
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