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  1. epsilon

    Agni V production to begin in a year's time

    There is a concern of having a serious talk about the selling of sensitive technologies.Remember Brahmos world's fastest supersonic missile. Russia trust Indians not 1ly for money but they re also brainy and honest. U pretend to have a good relationship and u make all possible illegal activities...
  2. epsilon

    Agni V production to begin in a year's time

    Well every country has its own technology pool of scientists for R & D. But u ppl hav an army for stealing all country technologies. But u re correct u said "no one selling related components" how wil they sell if u steal and be dishonest? I state an example.. this is just one example. there...
  3. epsilon

    Agni V production to begin in a year's time

    Well tat is wit the diplomats who has to decide. according to me India is far better than china in terms of strategic relationship. but one thing ur correct . All ism' s including communism failed, money only remains powerful. But Honesty is more powerful than money
  4. epsilon

    Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

    Muslims are Humiliated in most of the parts of the world and the western countries are mainly responsible for this because they trained some muslim terrorist groups decades ago for their benefits bfore and after cold war era and now they are hunting the terrorist groups and many poor muslim ppl...
  5. epsilon

    Agni V production to begin in a year's time

    Russia and India are Close partners. Agni V is a result of hardwork of Young Indian Scientists. Don't Talk rubbish. CCTV should know its responsibility and broadcast true and genuine news.
  6. epsilon

    Agni V Discussions

    :cheers: While developing they should look forward the missile guiding, accuracy and speed carefully as one could not give way for failure. Agni 5 Clearly has an impact over the relationship with china. Indirectly India also sends a message to Russian Federation and the european union by putting...
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