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  1. Supply&Demand

    Diplomats who commit crimes shouldn’t get a free pass

    Americans love to be all righteous when a dark skinned person is on trial but if the crime was committed by an American..lo behold they chuck all the laws out of the nearest window... Good for u...now US has added another country to the list of nations that dont like americans...good job!!!
  2. Supply&Demand

    Devyani Khobragade case on backburner, US poised to irretrievably lose unilateral privileges

    Americans think that it will be India's loss... lets be clear on this... America was not an ally of India till 1990's...we survived then and we will survive now...It is going to be America's loss...another country added to the list of countries disliking americans....
  3. Supply&Demand

    GSLV-D5 integrated with GSAT 14 satellite

    then learn from the mistakes and try again.. There is no shame in failing..only in not trying...
  4. Supply&Demand

    Devyani Khobragade case: India tightens screws, withdraws privileges for US consular officials

    Now already reports coming that Devyani is innocent with actual evidence...and the arrest is due to mistake by the investigating agencies.. Devyani Khobragade case: Did US state department overplay heavy hand? - The Times of India
  5. Supply&Demand

    Devyani Khobragade gets full diplomatic immunity after transfer

    Fair??? was it fair when US cops arrested Kritiska Biswas and humiliated her ?? U americanized Indians should come out and see that injustices happen in US too.. Indian diplomat's daughter sues New York City authorities for 'wrongful arrest'
  6. Supply&Demand

    India's Mars mission: worth the cost?

    to all the hates and naysayers: u should read this article written by an Australian Mythbusting India's Mars Mission hate and burn !!!
  7. Supply&Demand

    Mythbusting India's Mars Mission

    Mythbusting India's Mars Mission The successful launch of India's Mars Orbiter Mission is a major step forward for an advancing Asian space power. The global space community has applauded the flight, which will help the world to better understand the red planet. It's thus surprising to see...
  8. Supply&Demand

    India's drug patent violations block its path to world economic power status

    when u r posting india related threads..u better expect us to drag Pakistan
  9. Supply&Demand

    Indian athletes training in China

    China has the best sports infrastructure in Asia and probably second best in the world(after USA)
  10. Supply&Demand

    India's Water War against Pakistan/ ISPR Pakistan

    Are India and Pakistan same??? we are 1.2 billion and tey are 200 million...so how will 50-50 work exactly?
  11. Supply&Demand

    A will made of steel and an aircraft made in Pakistan

    does this run on water too???? :omghaha:
  12. Supply&Demand

    Calcutta Hindu-Muslim Riot of August 1946 and its Impact on East Bengal

    oh really..!! what would Hindu bengalis be in that great bengal federation? ur slaves???
  13. Supply&Demand

    GSLV-D5 launch fixed for 4.50 pm on August 19

    this may be a very silly question...is GSLV Mk 2 little bigger in size compared to Mk1. Or this pic is not to scale.?? I thought the only difference between Mk1 and Mk2 is Mk2 carries indigenous Cryogenic engine..
  14. Supply&Demand

    Explosion sinks INS Sindhurakshak Submarine with 18 onboard.

    atleast 18 confirmed deaths....Sad day for all Indians!!!! and i dont want to say..but this has been a bad month for Indian armed forces...
  15. Supply&Demand

    Sri Lanka sells weapons to India

    what did we buy? any idea?
  16. Supply&Demand

    India extremists and media push South Asia to the edge of a deadly war

    what about killing of 5 soldiers on border? Does that push south asia to edge of deadly war
  17. Supply&Demand

    New Delhi claim rejected: Afghan Taliban deny sending fighters abroad

    right..and we are supposed to take the word of these talibs who has sheltered a monster like Osama
  18. Supply&Demand

    Afghanistan bans Indian soap operas

    Islam is a religion of peace!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Supply&Demand

    Do you think it only takes israel to lose one minor war with arabs

    really...after thousands of Americans and British dying and then destroying Nazis and Fascists...u come to this conclusion... U seriously need to get proper history education..
  20. Supply&Demand

    India's longest bridge coming up in Northeast

    why should the girl suffer??? :help:
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