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  1. Pulsar

    Cobra crash serious blow to Pakistani army's fight against counterinsurgency

    Oh crap! Sorry I asked!! :cheesy: :rofl:
  2. Pulsar

    Cobra crash serious blow to Pakistani army's fight against counterinsurgency

    This is totally a one sided 'friendship' where America has been providing you guys F-16s, C-130s, Cobra choppers, radars, signal equipment, MANPADS, anti tank missile, artillery guns and so on. The question is: WHAT HAVE YOU GUYS GIVEN IN RETURN? Helping them in their WOT you'll say! But then...
  3. Pulsar

    Afghanistan set to train in Pakistan

    Ooops! That sucks, man!! :undecided: :omghaha:
  4. Pulsar

    Suggest reverting to olf PDF layout

    I think we need to get a vote on this! I can bet by socks that 99% will want the old format back!!! Sorry webby, but this new razzmatazz of a forum with gazillions of ads and what-nots makes it suck! It is confusion confounded! I know you guys need to make some dosh out of your ads, but...
  5. Pulsar

    Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft by 2018

    WTF does that mean? Are these aircraft being built for the army or air force?? :what:
  6. Pulsar

    RSS' Magic - Kashmiri Muslims call for revoking article 370, taking back Azad Kashmir and CAK).

    For the Muslims of India, India comes first always and every time For the majority of Muslims in Pakistan, religion comes first always and every time. That's the difference between Indian and Pakistani Muslims!
  7. Pulsar

    Counter terrorism: ‘Arabic to be a compulsory subject’ in Pakistan

    Can someone tell us how learning Arabic is going to stop terrorism and sectarian violence? Is a terrorist going to ask you if you know Arabic before he blows himself up if you don't know it? Is there no terrorism in Saudi Arabia and its funding for terror groups all over the world?
  8. Pulsar

    BJP of India condemns Congress for sabotaging election in Bangladesh

    Yeah! Some clown also mentioned that Nawazji won elections in Pakistan with the help of the Indian Congress too! :D
  9. Pulsar

    Terrified airline pilot DUCKS as he sees UFO heading straight to cockpit!

    I wonder which type of fish makes you see UFOs??? :undecided: :rofl:
  10. Pulsar

    Terrified airline pilot DUCKS as he sees UFO heading straight to cockpit!

    The captain of the packed Airbus A320 spotted the silver object heading straight for the cockpit as his plane flew above Berkshire A terrified airline pilot ducked to avoid a UFO he feared was going to smash into his plane at 34,000ft. The captain of the packed Airbus A320 spotted the silver...
  11. Pulsar

    This is not my Quaid’s Pakistan

    There's no such salutation as "Happy Christmas". It's, "Merry Christmas"! And such comments on Face Book that she should only say "Happy Christmas" means that it's not only the general riff-raff but the educated Pakistanis too and who are becoming fundamentalists! How bad can things get?
  12. Pulsar

    AK disagrees with Bhusan on Kashmir

    This Bhushan fellow should stick to his dramas in the court room. He knows squat about Kashmir!
  13. Pulsar

    PDF 2014 - New Changes

    I haven't the faintest clue. But when I bring down the res to 1024x768, the margin disappears! The one I posted above was in the higher res of 1280x1024.
  14. Pulsar

    PDF 2014 - New Changes

    Ok, here's the screenshot in 1280x1024 res.... Damn! This really sucks! It was far better earlier without the changes! :cry:
  15. Pulsar

    PDF 2014 - New Changes

    It was 1024x768. I then changed the res to 1280x1024. Orientation is Landscape. But the margin is still the same - too wide. Is it because I have a square LCD screen? :undecided:
  16. Pulsar

    Taliban talks: Govt eyes Saudi mediation for peace

    What is it that the Saudis can do that Pakistan cannot? The more mediators you have the more complex it would become. Are the TTP being funded by SA? If yes, then it may work. But if they are not, then this 'mediation' is going to turn out to be a lemon. But some Pakistanis conspiracy...
  17. Pulsar

    PDF 2014 - New Changes

  18. Pulsar

    PDF 2014 - New Changes

    Webby, the right hand margin is too wide lessening the space of the posts which is rather constricted. The priority is for posts and not ads and 'alerts'. My two cents.
  19. Pulsar

    Utah gunmaker turns down $15 million deal with Pakistan

    How? By changing barrels? What's the point carrying additional barrels adding to the weight of a soldier? Stupid idea! :disagree: And how accurate is it at 3000m? Is it a sniper rifle with a telescopic site? Without this site it is of no use to man or beast, because you can't see a guy at 3 km...
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