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  1. Pulsar

    ALERT! Inside the National Defence Academy!

    Wow! Such a hue and cry about the word, 'Alert'!! When in school, didn't your teacher tell you to be more ALERT and attentive when caught throwing paper planes at your girlfriend?!!! 'Alert' means just to pay attention!! It seems you guys are becoming paranoid about suicide bombers nowadays...
  2. Pulsar

    ALERT! Inside the National Defence Academy!

    Thanks for reminding me! Won't miss it for the world!!
  3. Pulsar

    AAP's Delhi Law Minister Somnath Bharti in deep trouble, accused of 'evidence tampering'

    VOTE BJP!!! Because AAP is actually SAAP (snake) in AAP's clothing!! :devil:
  4. Pulsar

    Indian Army chief admits to killing of 10 Pak soldiers

    The media did show the bodies of 5 militants killed who were seen lying just across the wire fence, well inside Indian territory in the Keran sector. But whether they were militants or Pak army troops dressed as militants (BATS?) is not known. I wonder if the IA retrieved those dead bodies?
  5. Pulsar

    Five Million Indian DTH Connections in Pakistan

    Tata Sky/Dish TV?? :woot: Our Pakistani friends must be out of their minds for desperately wanting to see Indian soaps!!! :hang2:
  6. Pulsar

    India unveils its $2 billion new airport terminal in Mumbai

    Here's a CGI walk-through......
  7. Pulsar

    India unveils its $2 billion new airport terminal in Mumbai

    Stop brain farting, newbie! You deserve the.....
  8. Pulsar

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Good article. China's strategic interests in the Indian Ocean is well known but unfortunately for it, the PLAN doesn't have the wherewithal to venture beyond the confines of the South China Sea. It would take at least another two to three decades to reach West beyond the Strait of Malacca into...
  9. Pulsar

    2014 report: Pakistan 'most improved' in nuclear security, India not so

    Is possessing the most 'improved' WMDs something to be proud of? Really?? There are a lot of other things that one needs to be proud of like good health care, education, poverty reduction and improving the standard of living. But for Pakistan, it's improving the standard of WMDs instead that is...
  10. Pulsar

    GSLV mK III with SRE-2 atop to be launched in April 2014

    Why send an empty space capsule aboard the GSLV? Why not put a monkey in there? By monkey I mean one of those Hurriyat bozos like SAS Geelani!!! :cheesy: Needless to say, after attaining full apogee, eject the capsule into the depths of space!! That would be good riddance!! :wave: :D
  11. Pulsar

    Dawood in Pakistan, will catch him soon: Shinde

    So you guys have no shame keeping a convicted murderer, Dawood, responsible for killing hundreds in Mumbai in the 90s, in a safe haven in Karachi? Oh yes, you have no choice as he's the goose that lays the golden eggs - drug trade and extortion amounting to millions of dollars - for your ISI...
  12. Pulsar

    Aid To China Criticised After Beijing Lands Space Probe On The Moon

    These a$$holes will always crib! First they needle India saying that their aid money is being used for fancy stuff like sending a Mars probe and now they're castigating China for the same reason of sending a Moon probe. Instead of hollering from the rooftops about the so called misuse of their...
  13. Pulsar

    Isro to send orbiter, lander and rover to Moon by 2016

    Earth oriented missions? :woot: Like a journey to the center of the Earth?? :omghaha:
  14. Pulsar

    Dark days ahead? Delhi discoms warn of payment crisis if rates aren't hiked

    Payment crisis? This is bullsh!t! Does anyone know what the Ambanis and other discoms are paying as salaries to their fat cat managements and employees? Runs into crores! And that excludes fully paid foreign jaunts, bonuses and what not! There's no such thing as financial discipline where...
  15. Pulsar

    Dawood in Pakistan, will catch him soon: Shinde

    Shinde has started opening his mouth too wide nowadays. This idiot should know that as long as Dawood is in Pakistan under heavy security, it would be impossible to get him except blow him up by a suicide bomber, which is more practical and feasible.
  16. Pulsar


    Geelani is now warning Pakistan? Wow! Pakistan better listen or else Geelani will nuke it to smithereens!! :fie: :omghaha:
  17. Pulsar

    The Sukhoi-30 MKI: India’s Two-Front War Ace?

    There will never be a two-front war! Period!
  18. Pulsar

    Female commando force to tackle the rise of rape in India's capital

    This one's going to be lemon. Even if a woman knows a little karate or other forms of martial arts, she will find it impossible to fight off a gang of rapists! Better patrolling and more mobile check posts with good communications would be a better and more practical option. The Delhi police...
  19. Pulsar

    India not willing to play by the rules: US lawmakers

    Just like you Americans but you guys have two fingers up your arses 24x7 due to the enormous size of the orfices!! The crap that you guys spew starting with your Congressmen is beyond belief! And you call yourselves a supah powah? :omghaha: You're getting a beating by the Chinese who are...
  20. Pulsar

    Nirbheek, India's first gun for women

    So now women will soon become 007s - with a license to kill anyone, even those whom they don't like? :confused:
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