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  1. Pulsar

    Brotherhood's failure may affect Islamists in other countries.

    Brotherhood's failure may affect Islamists in other countries. By IANS - CAIRO 13th July 2013 11:33 AM The Muslim Brotherhood's aborted political term in Egypt may create uneasiness for Islamic forces in other Arab states, political experts have said. Earlier this month...
  2. Pulsar

    PAF Viper Pilot with 3000 Hours

    Huh? Is there a SU-30 MK1? Never heard of it. The Chinese have MKK and MK2. There's no such aircraft classification as MK1. If there is, please put me on to it. And yes, I probably am blind. :undecided:
  3. Pulsar

    Police man ‘butchered’ in Handwara

    But of course the lame duck Hurriyat conference that goes into strike mode even if someone farts, will turn the other way even though this Kashmiri was killed by terrorists. Let's wait and see what happens. Let's see whether they will order a shut down in the Valley to protest against the...
  4. Pulsar

    PAF Viper Pilot with 3000 Hours

    Really? That's news. I didn't know that the Chinese had the SU-30MKI too? :woot: I thought they have the Sukhoi Su-30MKK and the Su-30MK2? Or is HAL, India which is the sole manufacturer of the SU-30MKI, exporting them to China too?? :what: Damn! I must be missing something here. :undecided:
  5. Pulsar

    A will made of steel and an aircraft made in Pakistan

    Wow! :smitten: I want one! How much does it cost?
  6. Pulsar

    India agrees to train up to 600 ANA officers annually.

    Don't spout nonsensical clap trap like a Mullah gone berserk. You're back to the old Hindu Vs Muslim stuff. Utter baloney! There's no such thing as a 'Hindu dominated environment'. There's no such thing in the Indian Army or its training establishments. Keep your arguments within the confines...
  7. Pulsar

    Woman Stoned to Death For Having a Cell Phone

    Really? Then I don't think you've heard about the illegal Khap Panchayats in India, which have initiated threats of murder and violence to couples who marry outside of the circle and encourage honor killings. So, friend, why didn't the title lead you to think that it happened in India? Why only...
  8. Pulsar

    we cant shoot down drones, its not a joke :PMLN

    Pakistan’s reluctance to make good on its threat to shoot down a U.S. drone has nothing to do with capability—it’s just part of the complex relationship between the two countries. While Pakistan’s civilian leaders bristle at U.S. military operations inside the country, the Pakistani military...
  9. Pulsar

    Pakistan needs a spy satellite?

    I thought we were talking about satellites? How does arms purchases figure here? :hitwall:
  10. Pulsar

    Local governments inflated China’s GDP by $900 billion last year

    Oh heck! The damn India syndrome again!! Can't you guys leave out India for a change? I thought this thread was about China? Paranoia about India seems to have struck the Han psyche in a big way! :P
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