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  1. Pulsar

    Hamid Mir was the first guy to call Ajmal Qasaab a Pakistani - Where are yo

    How can it? After all, they call it the 'Land of the Pure'! Even the making of Pakistan was an Indian conspiracy! :cheesy: I thought you knew?
  2. Pulsar

    Burma Genocide Thread

    People will clutch at straws and indulge in all types of falsehoods to show the victimization of Muslims all over the world. Why they indulge in these obnoxious acts is incomprehensible. In fact it shows them in very poor light!
  3. Pulsar

    Bitter lessons of Thailand to buy Chinese warships

    Wow! That really sucks! But then it's made in China after all! :lol: In the 90's when these ships were made, the Chinese hadn't mastered the art of copying then. They've improved on it now! Their reverse engineering and copying skills has improved by leaps and bounds since then! :lol:
  4. Pulsar


    Clutching at straws as usual? You're a funny man! I must admit your posts always give me a laugh!! And how about framing your sentences a little more legibly? One can't really figure out what the devil you want to convey, jumping all over the place, confusing the issue at hand. Or is that on...
  5. Pulsar

    IAF Wing Commander Dismissed For Demanding Bribery

    At least we sack officers if caught for impropriety, bribery etc. How many has Pakistan sacked, especially senior officers? The lame duck government of Pakistan can't, as the PA rules the roost. The reality is that the generals in Pakistan wish to remain unaccountable to other institutions...
  6. Pulsar

    In need of a favour !

    My name says it all! :D
  7. Pulsar


    Great leader? As far as we Indians are concerned he's the biggest troll who lies through his teeth! First he says that 'Kashmiri freedom fighters' fought the IA in Kargil and quickly backtracked when his own generals exposed his lies and admitted they were no freedom fighters there, but the PA...
  8. Pulsar

    Madras Café – Bollywood In Action

    Is this Lankan Ranger for real?? He's either had too much adulterated Afghan weed or poor quality Sri Lankan Cannabis before writing the title of the thread! This movie is not about a war between Sri Lanka and India. But he continues to insist that it is so! What's with him? :pissed:
  9. Pulsar

    U.S. says believes it will strike deal with Afghans on troops

    Apologizing for what may I ask? :undecided:
  10. Pulsar

    Bhutan PDP opposition party wins election

    So that should be good news for India! :yay:
  11. Pulsar

    Kudankulam nuclear plant to attain criticality by midnight tonight

    Way to go! :tup: Those so called nuclear activists who were dead against this plant must have got a lot of egg on their faces. Stupid douche bags!
  12. Pulsar

    Gwadar: The future hub of global trade.

    I wonder what the time line is for construction of the full fledged commercial sea port and airport?
  13. Pulsar

    Indian forces fire at Pakistan Rangers post

    Ooops!! Seems I touched a raw nerve!! :undecided: :rofl:
  14. Pulsar

    Why India can’t sell electricity to Pakistan after all

    And there it will rest till the cows come home! :P It's Indian babudom after all, where nothing moves except for the dough passed under the table by shady contractors.
  15. Pulsar

    New Chinese "20 ton" Class Helicopter Emerges

    Photoshopped! Even a blind man in the buff can see that!! :P When are we gonna see some real pics? :undecided:
  16. Pulsar

    Indian forces fire at Pakistan Rangers post

    And what may I ask are going to be the 'dire consequences'? A full scale Pakistani invasion? A nuke strike? Or just some more wind from the Chenab Rangers? Why this meaningless rhetoric? Needless to say, this verbosity doesn't impress anyone...:blah:
  17. Pulsar

    More whining & chanakyan scheming from India

    So the Yindoos are gonna nuke the crap out of you guys? :woot: :omghaha: There's absolutely no need for India to waste her precious resources. They can be put to better use elsewhere. After all, a target must be worthy enough for a nuke missile strike! :P
  18. Pulsar

    Swat girls throng to school in defiance

    :tup: Way to go! But are those militant idiots listening and seeing the writing on the wall?
  19. Pulsar

    Bangladesh General Elections 2014: A Preview

    :woot: :omghaha: Yep! The Indians are pretty desperate. And so is MBI Munshi! :P
  20. Pulsar

    Taj Mahal

    Wrong! The Indian tourism industry is benefiting! If there was no Taj, there would be close to nil tourists coming to India! So, thank you Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal! Where would we be without you guys? :smitten:
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