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  1. Pulsar

    Russian Special Forces Alpha Unit

    Yep! They're for real but put through special effects filters for effect.
  2. Pulsar

    The Amazing 6th Degree Black Belt Ms Seema Rao Who Trains Commandos!

    Do I smell male chauvinism here? For god's sake man, don't you think her accomplishments are far beyond the ordinary for her to deserve an honorary rank? There's no woman in India who can hold a candle to her in martial arts. And having a 6th degree Black Belt is no easy feat! Whether training...
  3. Pulsar

    The Amazing 6th Degree Black Belt Ms Seema Rao Who Trains Commandos!

    Wow! That's some lady. I ain't gonna mess with her - ever!! :no: But seriously, she deserves to be conferred an honorary rank of Lt Col at least. I think we must write to Smriti Irani, HRD Minister, to take up her case. I mean if we can't recognize merit and her immense contributions, then we...
  4. Pulsar

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    You don't seem to have a clue on Indian customs and traditions. Let me put you wise. On the ninth day of the Navratri festival, to celebrate goddess Durga, a ceremony called Shastra Pooja (shastra: weapons, pooja: worship) is held. It began as the worship of Durga’s weapons, in which, it was...
  5. Pulsar

    Why Narendra Modi appointed Spy Ajit Kumar as Indian National Security Agency Advisor ? Dr.Shahid Ma

    So you want to eliminate Modi? What are you...an idiot? Stop spewing gas from your behind.
  6. Pulsar

    Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

    If your SSG can have eunuchs, why not Indian special forces? :P :lol:
  7. Pulsar

    Unexpected invite: PM ‘likely’ to attend Modi’s oath-taking

    You mean whiskey too? But being a Pakistani, he's barred from that luxury. So probably Pepsi on the rocks??
  8. Pulsar

    Altaf Hussain applied for Pakistani passport in 2007 but got cold shoulder

    Pakistan refuses a passport to Altaf Hussain but is happy to give one to an Indian terrorist called Dawood!! :P
  9. Pulsar

    Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

    Liquid form? :rofl: What an idiot! You don't even know how you were born! :lol: :crazy: You wore uniform? Really? Even chaprasis and safiawallahs wear uniform! :azn: So what's the big deal? :P
  10. Pulsar

    Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

    :agree: And I feel amused when tharkis shoot off their mouths as if they are the authority on everything concerning CI ops! :lol:
  11. Pulsar

    Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

    Why the heck are you bent on pissing off members out here? Your brain farts are getting to be disgusting. With hobos like you in the CRPF (which you claim to have served in) no wonder its getting to be full of sh!t. The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley...
  12. Pulsar

    Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

    That means the ISI goes and tries to bump him off just because he's said something about them that they did not like? It's law of the jungle in Pakistan, plain and simple! From Karachi to Waziristan and Balochistan, your country is in an almighty mess - thanks to the machinations of such intel...
  13. Pulsar

    Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

    It's a deep rooted conspiracy by the TTP+CIA+RAW+MOSSAD+DIA+KHAD+NDS etc. All to tarnish the image of Pakistan's much loved Intel agency - the ISI. How dare they point fingers at the ISI, Pakistan's holy cow which can do no wrong and is snow white.
  14. Pulsar

    PakisTan's Engineer . _ The InVenTor Of Free Energy ...

    If it was that simple to make a free energy machine in a small one window workshop with a magnet, why are countries spending billions of dollars in trying to make one? The only person who came close was Tesla, decades back when unfortunately he died (or was murdered by the oil coterie). But...
  15. Pulsar

    Shades of Sikkim

    This guy who seems to be having a one-track mind, needs to see a shrink! This is the gazillionth thread on the same topic! His illusions and delusions are mind blowing! And his credibility is hitting new lows. His desperation is so overwhelming that he's started making a fool of himself...
  16. Pulsar

    Celebrating Holi in Utah USA 2014

    Here's a super video...in Costa Rica, of all places!!!! :woot:
  17. Pulsar

    The Coolest Indian Bus In The World!

    Looks funny from the outside but pretty cool on the inside!! :-)
  18. Pulsar

    Why Did Operation Grand Slam and Gibraltar Fail?

    I think even Operation Gibraltar was badly timed. It would have been advantageous to Pakistan if a similar operation was launched in 1988/89 when Kashmir was on the boil.
  19. Pulsar

    Alien City On Mars? Check This Out!

    History Channel is owned by the MSM. They'll say what they are told to say. :P
  20. Pulsar

    Alien City On Mars? Check This Out!

    Wow! I think Mars did have an ancient civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago till the atmosphere boiled away and the water dried up. There's even that famous sculpted 'face' on Mars! Whodunnit?
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