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  1. Nirvana

    Rahul G tell us why U should be elected over Modi

    After Rahul it will be Priyanka's turn [She will be Crowned as Durga Part II] and then offcourse are Her heirs,Just recently when Childrens of Priyanka were present at some public meeting along Robert,Some channels were showing them as future leaders...Seriously this should end and only option...
  2. Nirvana

    Iran Seeks Strategic Partnership with India

    :lol: This is very funny and Innocent comment i have seen !! Seriously how old are you ? I thanked you for your post btw...It made me laugh
  3. Nirvana

    Teesta Setalvad minting money in riot victims’ name’

    Ahmedabad: Several residents of the Gulberg Society have accused activist Teesta Setalvad of collecting donations in the name of riot victims but failing to utilise them for their benefit. Gulberg Society was attacked by a violent mob during the 2002 post-Godhra riots in Gujarat and...
  4. Nirvana

    Why Jayalalitha Is India's Next Prime Minister

    If BJP get's over 200 or close to 200 [180-200],Modi will make it to top post and that is Guareented !!
  5. Nirvana

    Arun Jaitley hints at Narendra Modi as BJP's PM candidate

    I Personally support him !! and if made PM Candidate,he is most likely to become PM with NDA govt in power
  6. Nirvana

    India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

    Mark my word if at all the same Chuck visits India next time as def.sec,he will issue a Public statement that "Pakistan is Epicenter of Terrorism"
  7. Nirvana

    BrahMos Cruise Missile Not Bound By MTCR, Range Can Be Extended Beyond 300

    Think...Officially no one [from Indian establishment] ever said that..the Official range in 5000 km,The next missile which has entered development phase is Agni 6 and Official range WILL BE 6000 KM according to DRDO
  8. Nirvana

    BrahMos Cruise Missile Not Bound By MTCR, Range Can Be Extended Beyond 300

    OLD NEWS BrahMos gains sub-strategic super weapon capability The Hindu : News / International : BrahMos gains sub-strategic super weapon capability India installs Russian navigation systems in BrahMos missile - Airforce Technology This 45 Su-30 MKI will be under command of SFC and Operated...
  9. Nirvana

    Afzal Guru's mercy petition rejected, execution soon: sources

    Good move by Indian govt and President...Kasab done,Guru done ..who's next ?
  10. Nirvana

    is anybody planning to propose on this valentine’s day??

    Yu may be right...she has a bad track record...she had a bf during scool,then in Jr coll and now in her higher studies and went through breakups..She is "Chamdi" type of girl and very open this other girl from my college is very different...she is nice..she says she use to have a bf 2 years...
  11. Nirvana

    is anybody planning to propose on this valentine’s day??

    but the old girl is better than this girl from my college...I mean in Looks,Dressing sense and everything
  12. Nirvana

    is anybody planning to propose on this valentine’s day??

    Yes,Education is more important than a girl...in our neighbourhood we have a guy who use to love a girl in college...she turned him down and married some guy later...he turned Schizophrenic :bad:
  13. Nirvana

    is anybody planning to propose on this valentine’s day??

    Yours and mine story is somewhat similar...I know this girl since my Jr.college..I propose her during my 12th and she rejected and said she was committed to someone else - before proposing her for first time i had asked my friend to get complete Info about her and my friend told me she was not...
  14. Nirvana

    Pakistan is a 'fake' country: Markandey Katju

    Madrasa Education Zindabad....Bharat Existed way before Muslims came to Subcontinent...Our History goes way back to more than Thousand year ago...Sadly they won't teach you that in your Madrasa
  15. Nirvana

    Pakistan is a 'fake' country: Markandey Katju

    delete --- NOT NEEDED
  16. Nirvana

    Israel envoy meets Modi, says his country may partner next VGGIS

    2015 !! ;) Modi won't be CM then !! He would be leading the country by then and Indo-Israeli relations will flourish to newer heights under Modi govt
  17. Nirvana

    Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

    Remember that moment when Niazi surrendered whole your territory to Indian army,this time it could be Kiyani !! Stop testing patience of Indian army
  18. Nirvana

    Indian Army chief's statements "very hostile", says Pak foreign minister

    the Soldier that was killed on 6th of Jan [If you are referring to that incident] was killed in retaliation,Pakistan army violated the ceasefire and Indian army retaliated,we had no casualities that day.the Beheading took place on 8th of Jan !! and if you are still in denial that no beheading...
  19. Nirvana

    Indian Army chief's statements "very hostile", says Pak foreign minister

    Indian Army will take revenge for the beheading and that's for sure,It's just matter of when and where..Pakistan has asked for all this trouble !! They can't just talk of peace on one side and unleash such barbarian acts on the other.PA knows it very well that they can't afford any major...
  20. Nirvana

    Should India Invade Pakistan?

    Zaid Hamid must have Pissed after reading this article,he must be angry that Evil-Indians have stolen his plans !
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